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Looking down, she realized it was Kurumi. Come down? "But it's more fun up here!" Especially considering how slow these brooms were. "You should come up here with me!" Kurumi didn't seem to have the best balance on her broom though, as she was suddenly hugging it instead of sitting up properly. So...maybe it probably was best for Kurumi not to come up thirty feet with Penelope. But that didn't mean Penelope couldn't stay where she was.
Kurumi wasn't sure if she was more terrified at the notion of Penelope being up so high on such a temperamental broom or that the girl had just used the word 'fun' to describe what they were doing.
Merlin if Carter could see her now...his Seeker that had crashed into the stands after the snitch among other things. The one who had taken his words quite literally...
I'm just fine down here...where Professor Vindictus instructed us to be at," she replied, her eyes narrowing just a bit. SO GET BACK DOWN HERE! Kurumi turned her handle to the right to veer in the opposite direction that she was facing, wincing again as the splinters dug into her skin and...OH! A BUTTERFLY!
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He heard a small voice directly underneath him and leaned over to see who he was hovering over. It didn't take long for him to realize he was seeing the top of Kurumi's head. He attempted to speed off quickly and avoid falling on top of her, but he was disappointed to remember how poor the acceleration was. "Welcome back to the air, Kurumi!" he yelled behind him.
Unfortunately for the Captain, this motion proved too much for his old style broom. He lost his balance and went into a nose dive. "Swerve!" he yelled at his broom. For some reason, the broom did what he desired and managed to avoid Kurumi. "Sorry!" he yelled after her, while trying to right his broom. He pulled up on the handle as Vindictus had instructed. Once near the ground, he pumped his legs and was able to come to a stop.
Woah. That is NOTHING like my own broom. He grinned sheepishly at Kurumi. "Guess I need more practice, eh?"
Kurumi didn't even have time to react to Keefer's greeting when he went DIVING towards her. Squeaking loudly, Kurumi nearly lost her balance again
as well as eye contact with the butterfly and hugged her broom tightly as it sort of hovered and shook in the air.
Feeling a rush of wind, sort of, when Keefer flew by her, Kurumi opened her eyes to see the Hufflepuff captain grinning at her. "
I...I guess so..." she muttered, her face still very much plastered to the handle of her broom.
The broom continued to glide forward sluggishly with her hugging it for dear life, but she managed to eventually lift her head from it and sit back up straight. At least she was somewhat gliding now...but her behind was getting awfully sort despite the cushion.