Thread: Flying Games
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Old 07-09-2012, 10:28 PM   #17 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maximus O. Vindictus III
First Year
No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura looked at the Professor and said. "Well there's the Broom Race, I'm sure it's held in Sweden each year, you have to race you broom again others to the finish line somewhere, I can't actually remember how far the event is but it would make a great Olympic sport I say, wouldn't you agree sir?"
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa thought of an example before raising her hand.

"Professor there's a game that the Scottish played a long time ago. The object of the game was to avoid getting hit by the falling rocks and boulders that had been charmed to float in the air and then dropped."

"The players were supposed to catch as many rocks as they could at the same time, with their cauldrons which they wore on their heads, as they zoomed around with their brooms."

"The game was called Creaothceann but it was finally banned in 1762, I guess that's because a lot of people died playing that game."
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel knew really of only one broom game and it was more popular than Quidditch in America

"Professor, There is Quodpot. The goal is to get the Quod into the pot before it explodes. And if it expoldes, the player holding it is out of the game. Oh and it is played with two teams of eleven."

Nigel did not know if he liked it better than Quidditch but it was awesome seeing a Quod explode.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Broom games...remind Kurumi again why she was in this lesson? Oh, right, because if she wasn't then Selina would literally eat her. Well, not literally, but Kurumi did not enjoy the look in her best friend's eyes when she had grabbed her Beater's bat at Kurumi mentioning dropping Flying all together.

Nope. Kurumi needed her head to not be dented. She did have NEWTs next term.

Sitting on the grass, Kurumi crossed her legs to sit Indian style while she listened to some of her classmates. Being a sixth year, one would assume that Kurumi knew this stuff...oh well. She did sort of put up a mental block when it came to things regarding Flying and Quidditch and anything that involved a broom other than sweeping.

She DID remember one game - because it was rather harmless now a days - and raised her hand. "There is, I mean Shuntbumps. It is only played as a children's game now, but the goal is to be the last player left sitting on your broom while everyone else has been knocked off theirs."

And IF Professor Vindictus had them playing a nice easy and SAFE game...well...she had cookies in her bag. Yep.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Broom games? There was only one Penelope actually knew about, and it seemed like the most obvious answer yet no one had said it. But surely it still counted, so she raised her hand. "Well there's Quidditch." Did she really need to explain how it was played? Eh. She was gonna anyway. "People play that by scoring with the Quaffle, hitting Bludgers, and catching the Snitch." That was about as deeply as she was gonna explain it. Wasn't like anyone here needed one anyway. Everyone should know how to play Quidditch.
Vindictus nodded as several brave students gave their answers. "Very good. Three points to each of you for your answers. There are three more broom games - Aingingein, Stichstock, and Swivenhodge."

"Today, we're going to experience a flying game of the past. And to do so, we're not going to use modern broomsticks."

He pulled out his wand and tapped the broom rack twice. What appeared to be sleek racing brooms morphed into something more rudimentary: brooms with thick knotty handles of unvarnished ash with hazel twigs bound crudely to one end.

"Medieval broomsticks!"

"I want each of you to grab a broomstick and if you desire something soft to sit on when flying, I suggest you grab one of the purple cushions and lash it to the broom with a rope," he said and pointed to two boxes containing the cushions and rope.

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