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Old 07-09-2012, 03:30 PM   #106 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel was just trying to keep distance between him and the Nundu and keep practiceing Stupefy. Which he had to admit he was get better at. When he hears that class was now over. He was a little disappointed but at least he learned some spells that would help with his final project.

"Thanks for the interesting lesson Professor Romanos"

Nigel said as he went to leave the class, wondering what their homework was going to be about.
"Have a nice day, Mister Barrington." Medea smiled to the ravenclaw boy.

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyss was about to get ready to practice the Placement charm on the onrushing Kelpie when it suddenly stopped in its tracks. Alyssa was surprised because she hasn't even dropped the bridle on it. Then she heard the Professor tell everyone that class was over. She sighed. 'Just when I was having fun. Oh well she says that we'll get to practice doing it again for home work. Hmmm....I wonder what it will be?' Alyssa thought to herself.

She holsteted her wand, walked over to where she had left her backpack, picked it up before making her way to the Professor.

"Thank you for allowing us to practice the spells on the animated creatures Professor. It was definitely a challenge. As always, I thoroughly enjoyed your lesson. Here's the bridle." Alyssa told the Professor handing it out to her.
Feeling her metal spider crawling on her foot, she picked it up before Alyssa had come over. "Oh, thank you, Miss Potter." she said, taking the bridle. "Have a nice rest of the day."

Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Sarah was very intent on the Riddikulus charm when the teacher announced the lessons end. Sarah sighed -she was having so much fun. "Thank you for the lesson professor -when I walked in at the beginning of the lesson I was unsure of the wand movement for the Riddikulus charm -yet now I have perfected it! Is it possible that a boggart could be found in hogwarts, that Gideon and I can practice on?" Sarah inquired. Small chance, but it was worth the try!
"Excellent vork, Miss Edwards." Medea smiled, placing the bridle Alyssa had given her near her own mat ash she listened to the young girl's question. A real boggart? In Hogwarts? There were how many floors and rooms in the castle again?

"I'm...not quite sure." she chuckled quietly, looking back to Sarah. "It is true, there are many spots in the castle where one can hide, but..." Medea paused briefly. "I vould rather you two not go off looking for one. You'll have more chances to practice the spell during your homevork."
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