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Old 06-21-2012, 07:14 PM
Mad Eye Touz Mad Eye Touz is offline
Default Editor-in-Chief’s Office

Not far down the hall from where the writers and editors work is the Editor-in-Chief's office. Editor-in-Chief, Basil Skeeter, prefers to keep his office a little more private and has thus removed the opaque glass walls and traded them for solid cream colored ones. Basil is usually sitting behind his desk with paperwork stacked to his left and a single pineapple placed on the edge of his desk to the right. Why a pineapple? You can try to get an answer out of him if you wish, but don't expect one. Basil is very private about certain things.

On the shelf behind Basil's desk, among all the library of books and under a clock, is a unique looking fish tank that has pygmy plimpies swiming about in it like adorable aquatic hamsters. To the left of this, over in the corner by one of the large windows that looks out onto the streets of Diagon Alley, is a sink that Basil uses whenever he enters and exits his office - and whenever one of his staffers hands in an assignment. You won't find any pygmy plimpies in here, however. Instead you will find a colorful assortment of mundane fish purchased in Muggle London.

Basil keeps his door locked at all times, so you must knock if you wish an audience with him. Have no fear, he is usually of a good disposition as long as he has a nice steaming cup of coffee in his mug.