Harry and Cho26. Morsmordre
"Are you alright?"the Ravenclaw asked with lots of concern, being really worried with the condition of this suddenly-fainted boy. It took a few minutes for the boy to regain his conscious after that sudden shock that made him actually fell on the ground, laying on the grass without any other movements. It looked as if he was dead.
Harry could barely open his eyes and the strong stream of sunlight that came right through the window made him harder to do so. He looked around, realising himself had been carried to the Hospital Wing. He gasped with relief as he recalled the scene that came right through his mind which made him faint. That horrible dark mark of the man who-must-not-be-named. It was terrifying. He remembered the mark coming towards him and trying to swallow him at once. And then he was awaken by this wonderful Cho, whom he was beginning to have a crush on her from nowhere.