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Old 07-04-2012, 06:52 PM   #187 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
"NO. You know I'm a Prefect, right? And, the fact that I can get you into trouble?" Heh. This was going to be epic. Obviously, she would never EVER get him into trouble..but there was no harm in frightening him, right? And, even though he TRIED to look indifferent, she knew that he was scared. Exactly what she wanted.

What was on her mind? Evelyn tilted her head slightly, her face showing how amused she was. And, evil. Of course. "Nothing." And, a smile lurked around the corners of her lips, before she continued, "...or something." Um, no. She had absolutely no idea why she was being so idiotic but she was enjoying it. Eddy, you better watch out.
Edric looked a little taken aback when Evs gave him a simple 'NO' followed by a sweet little reminder of her powers. The boy cringed to himself just very slightly, though he tried to remain expressionless. "I know… you don't need to remind me," he confessed, pausing for a nervous moment before adding, "But. This is between us, isn't it?" RIGHT, EVS, RIGHT?!

And then Evelyn began being all mysterious, not giving Edric an exact answer of what was going on in her mind. He just furrowed his brows at her with confusion. WUT. "Evs, are you on something?" Just wondering.

— the sun & the moon
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