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Old 07-04-2012, 04:29 PM   #181 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Wonderstruck View Post
And before Adam knew what hit him the quiet girl was suddenly talking. A lot. And rather quickly, so Adam did his best to keep up, his attention on the girl and nothing else. In fact someone probably could have hurled a heavy object at him right at this moment and hit him, and Adam wouldn't have even noticed. "Well that's great for both Salander and Lexi. I'm glad that she's happy and that she's doing so well. You'll have to tell her congrats for me on all fronts," Adam said with a warm smile. Hopefully Lexi could somewhat remember him. They had only met that one time after all at that one writers party...

"Well I do enjoy Quidditch, but I actually have been writing about the various classes in past terms and what the focuses of them were," Adam said with a little shrug of the shoulders. He had meant to get around to writing about Quidditch but it just hadn't happened in time. What was Adam going to do when he left here...err...that was a good question. "I'm still trying to figure that out." In fact Adam had been trying to figure that out all year and he kept coming up blank. "'re from the states?" Adam asked excitedly. "I'm from the states as well. Actually coming to Hogwarts my fifth year was the first time I had ever been out of them. Where in the states did you come from?"
Addy promptly placed a hand over her mouth and then leaned down placing her books on the floor before sending them zooming to her dormitory. Now she had free hands. "I am sorry... I don't usually talk very much, it's just that is the first time I have met someone who knows my family. It's comforting." And truth be told there had be SO little comfort for her in Scotland OR in Hogwarts. "I will tell her, though. She will greatly appreciate that I am sure," she said with a nod as her cheeks flushed.

Addy nodded as he spoke and smiled widely. "How very Ravenclaw of you to write about the classes and not something easier," she said with a wink. She had him pegged all wrong.

OH another American!! "I am from Chicago, Illinois, actually. How odd... I am in my fifth year and just transferred in. I am not keen on Scotland, honestly. It's too cold and BLAH. But I have traveled quite a bit. Dad wanted to see a lot of things and took me with him," she said with a nod.
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