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After having given this Gwen a handshake, the young Dixon beamed at her kite. It was almost complete. All the decorating was done, now all she had to do was place the sticks in the right places and then she’d hopefully done with the making process.
Interesting. Black and white that would look rather simple, but wasn’t simple good. Maybe this girl preffered complicated over simple, that could have been why she didn’t like that idea too much."Personally, I think the simpler the better, but it’s up to you. " she nodded at Gwen."If you want to add some blue then you should." Yep, It was Gwen’s choice after all not hers.
The Hufflepuff pouted just a little as Gwen asked her about her kite. She was almost done anyways so she had no problem with answering the question. "I Think I’m going to just leave it like this." She said showing the girl her kite. It was still missing the sticks though.
Now pouting even more, Nessie looked back at her kite. How were you supposed to place these sticks on the kite? Was there like some pattern or something. Trying not to be shy, Ness looked back at Gwen. "Erm, do you know how to put these on?" she asked holding two sticks in her hand.
Before getting back to her kite, the fourth year eyed the other one which lay on the table. The kite which belonged to the Hufflepuff.
‘Looks great’, she observed, giving a small nod. After having listened to Nessie talk, the fourth year drew her attention back to her kite, trying to decide which pattern to use. A moment of silence followed, during which the girl tried to decide what her kite should look like. She seemed to be a bit frustrated that she couldn’t just pick one of the many ideas she had, until...
beam! Another idea crossed her mind, and this one was better than anything she had thought of before.
She had been working with different shades of blue, and in the end the kite looked sort of Ravenclaw-ish. In a more artistic way. Gwen examined her work, and then placed the kite back on the table as she heard the other girl say something.
Did she have any idea how to put the sticks on the kite?
No. Not at all. ‘How hard can it be?’, Gwendolyn mused as she grabbed the sticks which lay on the table, trying to figure out how to put them on the kite. Perhaps they needed to be glued? The fourth year twirled the kite sticks in her hands, and, only after a while looked at what was going on around them. Perhaps someone had already assembled the kite? Gwen glimpsed back at the sticks and at her kite, and continued twisting and turning them slowly, examining the objects and thinking of the possibilities of assembling the kite. She was a Ravenclaw.
She could
TOTALLY figure this out!
How in Merlin’s beard am I supposed to assemble the kite?!
Or not...
Gwendolyn eyed the objects, and, after a moment of silence, she finally came up with an idea.
‘Got it’, she announced and started working on her kite. Well, she would have offered to help Nessie, but if she did something stupid, then wouldn’t it be better to ruin her kite? No, that obviously wasn’t better, but Gwen didn’t feel like being mean again.
‘So... Sort of like... this’, she motioned towards her kite, which seemed to be almost done.
Hah. I knew I could do it, the fourth year told herself.
‘Do you need help with your kite?’, she finally asked, as she noticed that kite was not falling apart.
There. Her kite was done.