For Dani :) Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Coffee, that's what Cece needed to keep her eyes open this morning. A nice strong cup of coffee.
She really didn't feel like dealing with the noise of the Great Hall this morning but she remembered the last cup of coffee she tried to drink from the Staff Room. It was disgusting. So here she was, in the Great Hall at the Staff Table hoping the coffee here would at least be drinkable.
Grabbing a mug from the table she poured herself some coffee. Taking a sip of it she made a face. She wanted strong coffee but this stuff was just as disgusting as it was in the staff lounge. It definitely needed some help, like some sugar and maybe some pumpkin spice creamer. Finding what she wanted she doctored up the coffee then took another sip.
Much better. At least now she could swallow it without choking.