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Oakey's smile shied away a little when Merdog told him no name calling, but the Groundskeeper was right
Jerk was to harsh a name to call someone who uses up half a glue bottle.
So what should I call them? Nitwit, Dunderhead, Boogie-face? Oakey asked, half answering his own question.
Oakey still wasn't to fond of candy since last term. He avoided as many sweets as he could but was making some exceptions here and there.
I don't like candy. He replied, this must of sounded hard to believe coming from some like him.
Oakey was putting on the final touched to his kite, then held it up for Merdog and anyone else to view his
simple but elegant kite. What the--
Oakey was missing the whole point. The whole
entire point and Waylon gave him yet another look. Although, half those names did sound about right, but the boy was talking about him so no, he was not going to allow name calling. He was an adult anyway, he was supposed to enforce those types of things.
"You don't call them anything. And boogie-face is disgusting, they only used half the glue." Also, Oakey could have looked at the bottle before he tried to use it. But he wasn't going to say that.
Still looking in the direction of the piņatas, Waylon slooooowly turned his head towards Oakey when he mentioned he doesn't like candy. Whaaat? Was the boy sick? Did he need to be taken to Healer Tillstorm?
"You don't like candy." he repeated quietly before glancing at the Hufflepuffish kite. Oh hey, that was kind of awesome!
"Nicely done, Oakey. Now to see if it flies."
Obviously not by the piņatas.