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Old 07-01-2012, 12:20 AM   #238 (permalink)
Furmgoat the Tawny Owl
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Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Recard didn't pick up on any curious look Maine was giving him, and instead just commented on her new career.

"Task force agent? Well that sounds interesting. So you are on the front-lines so to speak? Have you ever come across anything dangerous?" Accidents and Catastrophes could be a dangerous department, the name alone showed that. Recard assumed it was stimulating work.
Furmy flew carefully through the Ministry, carefully navigating his way through to find the person he was looking to deliver this to. It took a little while, especially with his wonky wings carrying him, but he eventually managed to find the place the letter receiver would be and he flew into the room.

He paid little attention to any other people in the office and simply dropped the envelope onto the desk in front of the man sitting behind it. Then with a "Hoooo," he turned and flew back out.

SPOILER!!: Delivery

To:: Armen Recard
From:: Jasmina S. Bennett

SPOILER!!: Invitation

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