Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher
The majority of the man's thoughts projected through his mouth having obviously not passed through his brain to see if they were intelligent or going to help his case just made Armen sigh and look at the other woman, a new department head. He hadn't met her, too bad it was this way that they had to make acquaintance.
But he was brought back to the conversation with actual interest when the scumbag sayed that everyone knew him, speaking of Armen. That brought a grin to his face and he looked at the guy now crouching on his knees. "Yeah, that's good that you've heard of me then." He knew what he was capable of and that he had known some people who he could help get things done. Alexander was the Minister and what 'things' Armen could really 'be capable of' are quite different than under Lord Borr but still, this guy didn't know that.
Get him in a chair? "He's a theif."
Recard shot the woman a confused look and walked over and helped hoist the man into a chair. There. Now can they call the MLE to take him away. "What shall we do now?" he asked the blonde.