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Old 06-28-2012, 05:29 PM   #11 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default Divination homework post #2
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Text Cut: Vickers
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post

Paulie’s girlfriend… Treyen keeping an eye out… so what did that have anything to do with Louisa getting in trouble with P--?....


Hello tangled web not weaved by any spider.

A slow, silent nod followed. Yeah he gets it now.

He listened to her readings about his stone casting for the first 4 weeks, eyes wide, lips curling into a small smile. “So that’s how my next month or so will go huh?” It would be curious how any of that will actually happen. So far from his last reading in class, it was just about 50/50 accuracy.

So now Louisa cast her stones and he peered into how they were spread about. Taking his Divination book and notes, he shifted back and forth between those and the stones “Alright, your first week has the sun stone… and that means it will likely be a lively week, or something or someone powerful will make its presence felt.” he started, then noticed the direction of where it was pointing at “It might have something to do with what will happen later, since its pointing to your Mars and Saturn stones.” He looked curiously at the next stones “The latter half of your second week will have your Air and Venus stones…. something that you’ve been wishing for or something that will inspire you will occur around this time, perhaps something about love and happiness.” Love and happiness about a certain Head Boy? Vickers gave Louisa a look, he aint gonna say it out loud but that gaze said everything. “This influence can stretch into your third week, but it will start to quiet down towards the latter half of that week since the start of the 4th week looks pretty quiet too. It’s the latter half of your 4th week heading into your 5th week that will allow you some moment of introspection or perhaps a chance to communicate with the Divine-- as symbolized by your Spirit stone… ”

..... oh for Merlin's sake! He didn't just give her that look.

Louisa stared back at him defiantly. He was interpreting her week of 'happiness' and 'what she wished for' as in 'love with Paulie'? She would've PFFFFFFFTed if she hadn't kissed the head boy. "Okay, listen here.." she interrupted him when he finished her fourth week, and leaned across the table to get closer to him, then looked into his eyes, "I. Am. Not. In. Love. With. Anyone." Did that sink in? It should be. "I don't even believe I will, at any moment in my life. I'm an independent girl, I like it this way. Kissing someone doesn't mean you loved them or had feelings for them." Treyen wouldn't be so proud of her if he heard this piece of advice she just graced a sweet boy with but... it was her experience. And it would stop the false impression Vickers was obviously getting. "It was just a test," she added as an afterthought, more softly.

Back to his stones. Louisa leaned back in her chair and looked down at her notes, "Anyways... the effect of your fourth week will probably stretch to the start of your fourth one, but mostly you have Mercury stone which indicates intelligence - huh, that's not so hard to believe - and overcoming bad habits." She tilted her head to the side slightly. "It also points at the Spirit stone in your sixth week which resembles self's needs. Maybe giving away your bad habit for the sake of yourself...or something like that." She stared down at the notes for a few and then continued, "Your Spirit stone in its turn points at the Saturn stone which symbolizes longevity. So those two weeks are connected, you giving up a bad habit for good for yourself's sake."

"Your seventh and eighth weeks in your month both has Saturn stone in them. I'd like to think that it's an emphasize to your decision in the week six, maybe that's how long it'll take for you to live in peace with that decision.." of giving away that habit. Mhhmm. Sounded legit to her."Then in the end of your eighth week, there is the Mars stone. That means conflict... which could be a new level in your life, or an outcome of that decision from three weeks ago..." Someone had a lot going on next month. Oops.
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