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Old 06-28-2012, 08:50 AM   #149 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by Droo View Post
"Make sure to get all that good slime off your hands and flick it into the tray... You don't want to waste any. Now. Turn it around so that it's meat side down." She did so with a wet and loud slap! "Start pealing the skin off the creature, slowly and gently... You won't get it off all in one piece on your first try, I'd be surprised if you can in three pieces." She said removing her plimpy's skin in one piece with ease. "You need lots of practice to do this..." she said and tossed it in the harvesting tray. "Go on..."
...still with the disgusted face, Louisa followed the instructions and got rid of the slime on her hands by flicking it a bit too violently at the harvesting tray that 'absorbed them' without a worry. The Ravenclaw then turned the creature down and fumbling with her fingers, she started peeling the skin off. And no, it didn't feel half as easy as it looked like with Lafay. The skin started coming off in pieces of all shapes really. First they were pretty small pieces but as Louisa concentrated more and moved her hand in a precise way, the pieces were getting bigger. Dumping the skin in the harvesting tray as she went.

Originally Posted by Droo View Post
"Last two steps." She said and she hooked one finger in it's mouth. "With your finger, pull on it's mouth, it'll rip off." And as it did the sound was disgusting. "Don't worry about how it rips..." she dropped it in the water and then the harvesting tray. "Now just start ripping the meat up in pieces, oh and the sound is something plimpies make." She began ripping. The sound was loud, wet, gross and almost like a cry. "You need to make them into small two inch pieces. Try to ignore the sound of the flesh ripping."
Once all the skin was off the Plimpy, the Prefect swallowed and hooked her finger in its mouth, and pulled. The mouth was taken off then, she quickly plopped it in the water bowl. With a disgusted sound from her, she moved it to the harvesting tray.

Now came the barbaric job. "How come they make that sound if they're...dead." Louisa asked curiously, eying her purely flesh Plimpy. Unless.. they weren't dead!!! and all this was pure torture?!!! Pfffffft, right. They were dead. They harvested everything from them. They had no hearts, lungs or anything to be considered alive.

Convinced, the girl started ripping off the meat, wincing at every sound the Plimpy made. She took advantage of the time she spent on altering the piece's size into the one Lafay told them... rip.. rip.. ri-

Text Cut: Vickers :O
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Dumbstruck. Thats what Vickers was.

He couldnt believe his ears, wondering if maybe he had misheard. But he saw the Professor RIPPING the JAW out like it was nothing. But the worst was when she got to the muscles.

That sound! Like painful, blood curling cries! He thought this thing was dead!

The cacophony of sound echoing in the dungeon walls was too much for him to bear. He was gonna collapse. Yes he was. And retch out his breakfast.

He wasnt even conscious that his own feet has tried to bring him to the back of the class before he slammed head first into the bucket. And just slumped there, not moving.

-p.. rip.. THUD! Louisa raised her eyebrows before turning her head to the source of the sound. Gasping she paused in her work, "Vickers!" She frowned, concerned, and looked up at the professor. She would've pointed out that he probably just fainted... but that made Lafay highly sarcastic and annoyed the last time anyone pointed out something to her, so Louisa just looked at the Dragon lady expectantly.

...she could sprinkle some water in his face? Like she did to that girl? Only this time, it was needed and not childish.
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