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"Maybe the sticks do make then heavier but the tail will help balance it out,'' Jory said unrolling some yellow string. He tied a good length to the base of the kite.
"That's creative,'' he said as he watched Janice stick a badger on. "I'm going to copy you and do something Huffie too,'' he added. He took some black and yellow paper and cut half of each so that when they were put together they formed a shield. Like the Hogwarts crest. Then, the Puff stuck the two pieces on using glue.
"There! Two Huffie kites.''
Now, the string tying jogged something in Jory's head. "I just remembered something. First, you tie the string to the top left, right and center and then join then where the sticks meet.'' It was a good thing he remembered or else he would probably have not even gotten the kite more than a few feet off the ground.
"The tail would balance it," Janice repeated. She was never much of a Physics person, so she just listen and do whatever those physics people think is right.
Janice smiled. "Thanks," she said. "Yours is also nice." She pointed at the crest. "We could reuse them for the upcoming Quidditch matches and support Hufflepuff by flying our kites!"
"Top right, left and center..." Janice mused. "My kite doesn't have
top right and left, so I'll just tie it to these left and right sticks." She took some strings and tied it about 2 inches from the right and left end. "And I think I saw my cousin making stuff like this, and he put the last string at the bottom." She did what she just said and tied the 3 strings to a long, long, string, coiled around a Dr. Pepper can.
"That should do, right?" She asked Jory.