SPOILER!!: Lafay1
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"If the gills stay attached to the heart, go ahead and pull them off. Drop them in the water." she said to the boy.
"Drop the heart in the water. This will allow it to wash off the blood and the plimpy slime." She dropped her plimpy heart in the water. "Now you should proceed to removing the gills. This should be quite easy now that the heart is out. Once they are out, drop them into the water as well. Take the clean heart and place it in your harvesting tray... and it will disappear." She demonstrated.
"Once that's done, remove the spine... all the other organs should be attached to it, and easy to remove."
Still clutching carefully the heart of the Plimpy in her hand, Erin deposited it as soon as the Professor told them to wash it with water. She wathced as the blood and the slime went off. And on to the next one, the gills. Slowly, she removed it using her hands, it felt weird holding these kinds of stuffs. She dropped it on the water immediately. When she saw that the heart's clean enough, she lifted it out of the water and deposited it on the harvesting tray where she watched it disappeared.
She continued the process with the spine, removing the attached organs to it, almost every single one of them.
SPOILER!!: Lafay2
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"Alright... you know how you pluck grapes from its cluster? Same concept. Pluck each of the organs by hand and place them in the water. Now take the cleaned gills and place them into the harvesting tray." And as she demonstrated the gills disappeared into it. "Can anyone tell me why we harvest ingredients with our hands and use tools sparingly?"
Seeing the gills cleaned, Erin lifted it out of the water and deposited it into the harvesting tray. She saw her classmates listening intently to the Professor as she ask a question to be thought about. She heard many answers but chose to stay quiet instead. Probably, because the hand can feel?
Plucking grapes one by one. Yeah, Erin could do that. Using her hands, she plucked each and every organ and put it in the water. The only difference was, grapes weren't yuck, the Plimpy was.