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Princesspower Sarah looked up at the sign above the door, and chuckeled at the thing someone had inscribed on it. She entered the room and looked around. There was a couple of girls preening themselves in the mirror. Ugh.. Sarah hoped she would never be like that.
Why was Ness going into the bathroom? The girl wasn't too sure, she didn't really need the loo. She was taking a break from all her homework and decided to go on one of her strolls around the castle with her pygmy puff whom needed some excercise. So instead of Puffles being in he's usual spot on her shoulder, the little indigo fluff ball walked right in front of Ness, so that she could keep an eye on him. At least it seemed like Puffles was enjoying myself, as for Ness she wasn't to fond of this whole thing but she continued to follow her little boy.
Puffles was always on he's own little adventures and for some odd reason he decided to venture to the girls bathrooms, no one would know he wasn't supposed to be there, After all he was a pygmy puff and most people couldn't tell the difference between him and a female pygmy puff anyways. This would be something only males like him could do.
So off he went, not even making sure Ness was behind him. He knew she was, she was such an over protective owner and that bugged the indigo ball of fluff at times. Deep down, he knew that she was only like that because she cared about him. Once inside the bathroom the Puff ball looked around and he's eyes stopped when they saw a young girl that seemed to be in her first year. She looked friendly and sweet, surely she would give him a nice stroke right? He sure hoped so.
The pygmy puff walked over, with he's two little feet, and then nibbled softly on the girls shoe to get her attention.
Meanwhile, Ness was a little behind Puffles, but her attention was not on the actual ball of fluff, instead she was looking around the bathroom not even aware of what her pet was doing.