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Old 06-24-2012, 04:34 PM   #8 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"It keeps me busy." And distracted from less pleasant things. Althea sat primly in her own chair and listened to the family update.

"What did you do for Christmas? I'm sorry I couldn't pop in. Mum and Dad and my sisters all came to my place, and it was... full on." As usual. Sigh. And then... unusually so too. Her jaw clenched a little as she thought about one particular visitor and the results of that visit. Hmmph.

"But I'll assume you got the gift basket?" With the wine. And the nibbles. And the wine. "And that the girls got the gifts mum said she sent." Ariane, Thea's mother and Tamara's aunt, had sent trinkets for the girls, on behalf of the Schirmer branch of the family. And likely sent money in a card for Lucian.



....... her personal life.

Althea grimly pressed her lips together and forced a smile. Where did she start? Restraining Order? The douche that left and didn't owl her because he didn't like hearing the truth? Or the one that was back in the country and basically the perfect man except for the fact that she wasn't sure she deserved him and she much preferred the jerk who had the capacity to make her crazy and possibly cause her to contemplate murder? You know, if he ever spoke to her again and Merlin-be-damned but why the hell would she listen if he did? Why? He'd only be using her anyway and she shouldn't care and didn't want to think about it and so she wouldn't.

Just wouldn't.

She sipped her drink instead. "Did my mother tell you to ask that?" She asked suspiciously, suddenly wondering if Tamara had heard about the events on Christmas day.
Christmas. It had been interesting. To say the very least. "Christmas was... eventful. Jonah came around and well..." she let that comment hang in the air and shrugged her shoulders slightly. That meant all hell had broken loose at the the dinner table and then she had sent the girls to bed and Lucian on his way. Heh. "Yes I did. It was lovely. You know I love Moscato," she said with a small smirk. "I assume everyone got our gifts as well? Sorry we didn't make it to see you lot this year. With Deidra just getting back to us I thought..." well it had not gone according to plan, but whatever. "I sent Aunt Ariane a thank you card and all."

Speaking of Aunt Ariane... Tamara did not look embarrassed in the slightest at Althea's question. She merely gave a stiff nod and sipped her drink once more. "We worry about you, Thea. That's all. I for other reasons than she, but nonetheless." Seeing as Tam had more insight into that... SITUATION than Thea's mum and all. "Don't be angry with her, she means well. She came around for dinner and drilled me the same ways. Darling why have you not gotten Jonah back?! you know... the usual."
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