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Old 06-24-2012, 07:45 AM   #60 (permalink)

Crumple-Horned Snorkack
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Giselle Barrington
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Teagan Kensington
Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Arienne Morgenstern
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Simone Wild
Third Year
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Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict

Text Cut: Professor Lafay
Originally Posted by Droo View Post
She watched everyone as they opened their plimpies.

"As a reminder, please note the buckets in the back of the classroom. Please don't get it on the plimpies, they won't keep with throw up on them." She said.

"Alright let's take a look at what's inside a plimpy." She engorgioed the creature floating in front of her so everyone could see. She charmed the board to write what everything was in the areas it was on the plimpy.

"Notice the eye, it rotated inwardly as we opened the plimpy. Just take your thumbs and poke them out... they will pop right out of the socket." And as she did a disgusting, wet popping noise came from the area. "Then place them in your harvesting tray." She did so and moved a hair from her forehead with the back of her wrist. "We have yet to wash and clean the items we placed in there. Because the fins, the legs and the eyes come out fairly. These other organs will need some cleaning." She went to the box of tools, and pulled out a dish and filled it with a aguamenti charm. "Take a dish and fill it with water and now we'll go for the heart. Use your hands, not a scalpel. Easier to feel, to get it all out. Well..." She looked at the kids, "go on."


So far, so good. Stella hadn't lost her focus as the plimpy had fallen open in front of herself, although she was still trying not to look at it as much as possible. It was highly possible that was the only thing keeping her from gagging, but then, as Professor Lafay actually pointed out that she'd prefer they keep the vomiting to the buckets in the back as opposed to on the plimpies, she became even more determined to show that she could handle this. Besides, oddly enough, this wasn't the worst thing she'd had to survive when it came to Potions classes here at Hogwarts, not in the least. She still made sure to copy the new steps down in her notes before dealing with even more plimpy goop on her hands, however. Avoiding actual physical evidence in her notes seemed like the best idea for not having problems later on, and seeing as they were being told to use their hands for the next few steps meant notes first.

Text Cut: Stella's Potions journal
Plimpy harvesting

Step 1: Untangle the plimpy's legs. (They commonly get tied together by merpeople to keep them from being able to damage their property.)

Step 2: Remember to put gloves on.

Step 3: Clean scalpel.

Step 4: Make an incision under the scales near the plimpy's fins, then carefully remove the fins and place them in the collection tray.

Step 5: Rotate legs widely one at a time until the joint pops out, audibly.

Step 6: Carefully cut at the loose skin around the dislocated joint, removing the leg and placing it into the collection tray as well.

Step 7: Cut the plimpy open/in half, starting at the tail and running scalpel straight up around the stomach to the head.

Step 8:Once the plimpy is opened, use thumbs to carefully pop the eyes out of their sockets, placing them in collection tray.

Step 9:Clean a separate dish carefully, and fill with water using Aguamenti, to clean the organs in

Step 10:Still using hands, carefully locate and remove the heart, cleaning it before placing in collection tray.

Once that was caught up, she took another deep breath as she risked a glance at her plimpy, luckily not staring at her as the professor was right in saying the eyes had turned inward. Actually, it looked rather pathetic, and she almost apologized to the plimpy again before reaching out to hesitantly press down on the eye socket. She shut her eyes as she heard the popping noise, even as she shifted her free hand to catch the now loose eyeball so she could place it in the tray as directed. Then she repeated the process on the other eye, just using her sense of touch to locate it and remove it with the same disgusting noise. Her eyes didn't open until both eyes were safely in the collection tray, at which point she glanced at her notes to double-check on the next step.

More hands-on steps, of course, but first she located the dish in the tools supplied to her and set it down by her notes carefully. Peeling a glove off, she flicked her wand into her hand and Scourgified both her gloves and the dish before casting Aguamenti to fill the now-clean dish with water. Returning her wand to its holster, she pulled her other glove back on then turned to the plimpy. Time to go for the heart, which brought on another silent apology, both for removing the organ and for unceremoniously sticking her hands into the body. It felt wrong, somehow, even if she understood that they needed to organs for potions ingredients, and after another moment she gently shifted another organ or two aside to locate the tiny little heart. Cupping a gloved hand around it, she gently pulled, making sure that she didn't make the same mistake it seemed Vickers had done and taken the gills at the same time by holding them aside with her free hand. Once the heart was free, she just looked at it in the palm of her hand for a second, before delicately placing it in the dish to get cleaned. She was going to assume that was the next step, at least until they got other instructions.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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