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Oh. He probably shouldn't have asked. Instead, Theo just nodded and looked at a painting on the wall. Hmm... very interesting, that painting...
"You learn... rubbish stuff like... Poetry, numbers, running, french, science." Bleh, science. Theodore remembered his failings in that class vividly. Ironic that science is also considered as 'magic', and now he was learning actual magic... That didn't sound good, at all. The boy shrugged, "I dunno what they do in big school, I only went to a little muggle school." Like from the age of four to eleven.
He'd ask his brother nearer to the time.
Theo BEAMED. "I was, wasn't I?" His eyes wandered elsewhere, just marveling his awesomeness to himself for a moment. "YEA, like the fire throwing spell." The one that people used to light up the fire underneath cauldrons. He didn't KNOW this sorcery!
"I think she's mad cos I keep being mean to Hufflepuffs." He said sadly, "She has already got a new bestie in Hufflepuff."
Just when West appeared at his COOLEST, he just became more cool.
Theo bounced on his mattress at the comics that he had brought out. YAY. "Cooooooool! Can I read 'em?!" Though he couldn't 100% guarantee their safe return.
"Oh. I learned some of that stuff
too." West considered this.
"And lots of magic theory stuff. On account of you can't have a wand before you're eleven and all that, but I know a bunch about runes and I read a bunch of books when I feel like it."
He privately thought that Wizard school was much cooler than how Muggle school sounded. Or well, not so privately.
"I think Hogwarts sounds better." Which meant he and Theo had it MADE yeah!
"And the one for cleaning cauldrons even if cauldrons shouldn't be given to us dirty cos that's dumb, and the one that makes water, and the one that makes shields for dueling and hexes and stuff like that. " And they would RULE the SCHOOL. Yesss.
"Who is her Hufflepuff bestie?" West wanted to know, reaching over and pat-pat-patting Theo on the back. Chin up old mate! Yup.
West looked at the comic books and then at Theo and then with a grand gesture he nodded and put the lot of them in his lap.
"You can have them, Theo. Because you're my friend and its good to share with friends." And then also Theo would owe him one, right?