Thread: The Duck Pond
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Old 06-22-2012, 06:02 PM   #970 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by lemon View Post
The boy was frantic. Could he not s— oh. OH. OH! Alice was going to be in so much trouble if anyone found out that she had pushed a boy into the Pond and he had nearly drowned. But, the scene was so funny, and she couldn't help but laugh at the boy flailing his arms in the water. The ducks were quacking, the boy was flailing and screaming. And Alice was laughing. Heh. He was so dramatic. This wasn't murder, because she was going to save him.

So. After having her fun, the lioness dove into the Pond. Oh lord, the water freezing. Even so, she located the flailing boy and held his wrist dragging him up to surface and out of the water. She then pulled herself out of the Pond and sat, teeth chattering and body shivering, on the edge.

"D-do you know wh-what's g-going to happen n-now?" Alice chattered. "You're g-going to t-tell everyone I w-was a hero and saved you wh-when you fell into the P-pond. And h-how awesome I am." Well. She wads awesome. And a hero. And saved the boy. So that sentence was true, anyways. "And if y-you don't, I can always p-push you back in. Or t-tell everyone about how y-you looked and screamed l-like a little girl when you w-were in there." She flashed the boy a pearly white grin. She liked blackmailing. And threatening. But did this sound threatening in a little girl's voice?

Either way. Scrooge had finally met his match.
Edric allowed the annoying blonde girl to drag him out of the water, trying his best to be as patient as possible. She was taking FOREVER. Gawd, he didn't weigh that much, did he? She was just a weakling. As soon as he was back on dry ground, he sat up, looking unaffected by the cold temperature (he loved the cold), as the girl stammered out her threats and blackmailing deals.

"Don't be stupid," started Edric, getting up to his feet. He pulled out his wand and placed a drying charm on his soaked robes. "No one's going to believe you 'cause who'd believe an awful thing like you?" And, without further ado, he brought his tippy toes up and poked the girl's back… push.

Off the edge of the pond and back into the water she went.

"Thanks for the rescue, though." NOT.

— the sun & the moon
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