DMT Mountain Troll
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 23,574
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Originally Posted by Tegz Althea opened the door, ice-queen expression in place ready to tell whoever it was off for disturbi-- ah! It was Tam! That was okay. The frosty look melted away and she smiled. "Come on in."
She ushered her inside and shut the door behind her.
"Is this a social visit, or work-related?" Mhm, mhm. No ICE QUEEN glare for family, missy. Tam pursed her lips momentarily and then broke into a smile.
Entering the room she glanced around before sweeping over to a seat and making herself comfy. "Social, mainly. I did want to come see you in action, though. How are things going for you thus far?" Did she have anything to drink in here? |