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Old 06-20-2012, 08:05 PM   #58 (permalink)
Devina Wellheart

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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Adirondacks
Posts: 5,253

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Silas Rainier Montesh Jr
First Year
1 of 4 Amigos Don't underestimate me!

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva laughed at the boys, "Yeah we are Amigos no matter how long we go without talking. Now if I could only figure out a way to get you two to class." Yes she was bringing up again but they were use to that by now. She looked at bouncer who seemed to be having a great time. "So Harvey word on the street you have a new smart puff as your best friend. You just can't seem to stay away from the badgers can you?" She looked at Justin, "You okay Justin? I know your attached to the hip to Ari, but it's okay to hang out with us a bit." She laughed with Harvs at his joke as well.
" Yeah.... I'm alright..." Justin smiled back at Minerva," I was just thinking about how much you two mean to me... That's all. Ariana is allowed to have time with her friends without me just as much as I'm allowed to hang out with my friends when I want....But other than home stuff this is shaing up to be a great year. And as for classes , Miss Wheatborn.... I have been going to a few. " Justin said the last part while rolling his eyes then laughed. He knew that he'd be hearing her talk him into going to classes until they graduated, but he was glad she cared enough about him.
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