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DH Vixen Lana's eyes got big for a moment as she listened. She didn't know Blue, but she was a housemate and all. For a moment, she was terrified that poor Blue had lost them points and all, but she pressed that concern away and turned her attention back to Laura. "Normal and innocent? You know that's in the eye of the beholder," she giggled. Innocent and normal were two things that neither of them could do all that well whilst trying to get out of trouble.
Grabbing her sister's hand and smiled. "Let's go then, I'll even help you with some of your homework." They did work really well together and maybe if she helped her sister, she would understand more herself. It was just good to be not fighting again with Laura and now that they had promised each other they would stick together, she was even more determined to keep her word to herself.
Laura looked at Lana and smiled. "I know what you mean, remember when we were 8 and we each bought and ice-cream on the way home from school, even though mummy had said tea would be ready when we got home and we tried to act all innocent." Laura giggled that had been a laugh and maybe they might have gotten away with it if they hadn't forgotten to wipe their mouths.
Laura give her sister a big hug. "Thanks sis and I'll try and help you with your homework." Laura smiled. "I must be good at at least one lesson." Laura would love to find out what it was though.
OOC: I'll let you post in the Library first, you might have to drag Laura in though.