It had been a long time since Jacob Cutter had come to Hogwarts. As he bustled around the front of the room, opening containers and peering into them before sorting them onto piles, he tried to figure out just how long it
actually had been. What year had he even taught here?
The one when the crazy pub guy had shown up at the school. He wrinkled his nose as he remembered the unfortunate school year; he'd been blissfully unaware of all the craziness going on, seeing as he'd fallen asleep on the grass in the greenhouses and hadn't been alerted. Still felt a little guilty about that, as people had gotten hurt, but.... oh well. No time to dwell.
The students would be coming soon, and he had to finish setting things up. An idle flick at the board set words in motion across the dark surface, the letters curling into his distinctly poor handwriting.
Magical Portraiture Seminar
Please take a seat, two students to each table.
Please do not touch the items on the table in front of you.
Please make sure you're not wearing clothing that you'd prefer to not get messy. If you are, see Professor Cutter.
Note that this is an optional lesson and it is not required of you to be here; however, that doesn't make it a free-for-all. Please be as respectful as you would be in a regular class, because Professor Cutter can and will dock points if necessary. While that scrawled itself across the board, he finished setting out the cauldrons and burners on the tables, adding a few small empty porcelain dishes to each station before returning to the front of the room to watch the students arrive. Stretching, he sank into a chair behind the desk and absently adjusted the sheet covering something that stood on an easel next to the desk.
ooc: Welcome to your second seminar of the term! As Cutter said above, it's an optional lesson and you're not required to attend, but I'll be pleased to have any and all of you here! I'm going to give some time for students to arrive before starting, please don't make me regret it by filling the thread with chatter. This lesson should run for about a week, and hopefully we can all have a lot of fun during it.
As this isn't a subject that is really covered in canon, your character might not know a lot about it, but please don't let that deter you from trying to answer any questions! I'm going to try and do what Tegz did with her seminar and keep this first post updated with what's going on in the class, and if anything confuses you, please feel free to PM or VM me.