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Edric seemed content as all the ducks in the pond came to him, their holy bread father.
The boy's happiness didn't last too long (when did it ever?), though, as the little blonde girl that had been sitting all of a sudden stood and began to protest. Oh geez, she was quick to react.
Old bloke?
Edric actually seemed pleased with the name. He did consider himself much older, wiser, and more mature than everyone else in that smelly school.
"Your ducks?" said Edric, raising an eyebrow. He seemed disinterested in the girl's protests, though. "You do realize they're with me now, don't you?" Therefore they're MY ducks. Duh.
The girl responded not in words, but in actions, throwing a piece of bread at Edric's nose and having it blow up right on his face. The bread-dust particles made the boy sneeze before he wiped it off with his sleeve.
"Well no wonder the ducks left you. You're rather unpleasant," said Edric, throwing a couple more bits of bread at the nearby fluffy ducks. See? More mature. He still had the ducks on his side. Soooooooo... he was the better owner.
Hmph. This boy was annoying.
"Yes. MY ducks. Because their obviously not yours. And I was here first. So shoo." Her, unpleasant? If this boy wanted unpleasant, she'd give him unpleasant. Wanting to get Bubba back over on her side of the small pond, the lioness pointed her wand at the loaf of bread.
"Geminio," she said, and the bread multiplied in size. That was her favourite Transfiguration spell, because it could be used on food.
The bread multiplied in size, and the smell of warm bread filled the air. Alice ripped it in half and tossed the giant chunk into the pond. The ducks gathered around the grains and started pecking at it. The third year tossed in another, but slightly smaller, piece of bread into the pond for Bubba. Content, the girl sat on the rock ledge and dipped her feet into the pond.
"Go away now," she told the boy.
"I win. So ha." Life was good.
Well. It
would be if old bloke would go away.