Thread: The Duck Pond
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Old 06-19-2012, 10:57 PM   #947 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by lemon View Post
Alice sat on the rocky ledge, swishing her feet in the cold water. It was a nice day just to relax and watch the ducks mill around in their little pond. The lioness tossed tiny chunks of a warm loaf of bread that she had picked up from the Kitchens. She felt very peaceful. The girl often came here to spend some time with her quacking friends, for it was usually not crowded and it proved to be a perfect place for her antisocial self.

The third year ripped off another chunk of the bread and tossed it at one of her favourite ducks, a tiny one who couldn't swim properly. He was kind of cute. When she was she ruled the world, she'd have to make duck ponds along with sanctuaries for fishies, asylums for crazed Hufflepuff Prefects, and pretty stone pathways. Being a Queen was so hard. Sigh.
Edric didn't like people, but he loved animals.
WELL. Some animals. The ones that were far away and didn't leave germs on his face by licking it senseless. Ducks were in the list of animals that Edric loved. They kept their distance and they didn't bother anyone. They just ate, got fat, and minded their own business. And because he liked these animals so much, he brought with him a loaf of bread onto the grounds.

It seemed Edric wasn't the only one that loved the ducks, though. The feathery creatures must've been sixteen times bigger than the last time he saw them! Of course, with hundreds of students coming around and feeding them on a daily basis, the ducks were getting so big that floating on the water had become a workout.

Amused by the sight of the round little ducks, Edric came closer to the pond and threw bits of bread into the water. It seemed the place was deserted. What a miracle! FINALLY a chance to get some alone ti--NOT.
Once he was at the very edge of the water, Edric noticed a blonde little head facing the ducks. Dangit. He knew it was too good to be true that he'd get the pond and the fat ducks all to himself.

Being the unfriendly Scrooge that he was, the boy stood a few feet away from the girl and eyed her disapprovingly. She was young. Not as young as Ella the toddler, but young.
With evil intentions of greed, the boy began to throw bits of bread in the direction of the ducks hovering by the blonde girl, so that they ended up hovering toward him instead. Soon enough, he had all the ducks in the pond by his feet. Literally.

— the sun & the moon
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