It was a little noticeable that Professor Bellaire was very nervous about this. She had her wand gripped tightly in her hand and at the ready and every now and then when there was rustling in the bushes or trees she'd point her wand at it. She was no DADA teacher or professional dueler but she was not going to get attacked nope.
She looked behind her to make sure the students were maintaining the lines and everyone was okay.
Finally they got to the clearing that had a large tree with low hanging branches. It was situated in an area where there was just enough space to let moon light in through the canopying trees. Perfect for her lesson today.
She turned to face her class.
"Alright everyone, please gather around. This is where the lesson will be held.As you can see it's very grassy, so if you wish, you can sit down." The good thing about being this deep was, there was no snow.
She motioned for professor Ramanos to come and stand by her.
The charm we will be looking at today is called Lunae-Pluvia Niteo." She used her wand to write the words in big glowing letters in the air.
Can anyone here guess what this spell does?"