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Ronnie laughed. "Sorry. I'll slow down next time." she said, chuckling and looking around as she asked where to put the secret things. Hmm. . . "How about in this little bush?" she asked, gesturing to the bush next to the one she had just put her secret things in.
Ella grinned. She was actually amused and impressed by how quickly Ronnie was able to move. She was like a...a ninja! And ninjas were cool so no apologies necessary.
"It's okay! Maybe I should just train to be faster." Cause spies were supposed to be, right?! Right.
The little bush...what a BRILLIANT hiding spot.
"Sounds good, Medusa. You keep an eye out of enemies and I'll just..." And tiptoeing over to the bush, Ella opened her arms and let all the snowballs go. Not the neatest way of doing things but she was going for SPEED.
"All set." She said with a triumphant smile, looking at her friend for the next set of directions.