Thread: Harry Potter: Flora Riddle 1 - Sa13+
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Old 06-16-2012, 04:10 PM   #33 (permalink)
Ivana R
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Portuguese Hippogriff Harrys Schokofrösche

hey, Gabs

If you or anyone else who read this story finding another question poorly explained, please be kind enough to show that so I can fix ...

I'm sorry but I can't say that to you... this kind of thing only Dumbledore could explain ... and surely he wouldn't ... Somethings I just replied with Flora Riddle 3, much as I myself didn't know the answers when I wrote the beginning of the story. See, Flora has her own 'life', I don't knew what would happen to her... I'm just the writer... (crazy talk!)

and stop it to say that I'm a good Legilimens! It was to be secret!


I just finished my review and edit.
I'll just wait for Nups' correction to transfer this to the FF Finished Vault.

I hope someone enjoys and quotes it. It was my first fanfiction and is, actually, the introducing for Flora' stories.

I'm very happy today because I've just finished the last story, Flora Riddle 3 and soon I'll post it into other site - it contains adult theme. If I get manage and edit it without losing the sense (to adjust according the SS rules), I'll post it here too. I promise I'll try. The last story is the most interesting and exciting, indeed.


Hello everyone!
I decided to reread what I had written and I have to confess that I didn't like it.

This story describes Flora's entrance into the world which she belonged to, but on re-reading it I found it was missing feeling to her.

Flora was cold as her father himself could not suppose to be.

So I'm rewriting the chapters. I've done it with the first one, the second I'm finish the translating into English and I'll post here tomorrow.

I don't have the help of my English teacher anymore, so if anyone notice a tremendous mistake of grammar, I'm asking you please point it so I can correct it and improve my FF as my English and as myself.

I hope you enjoy the new Flora! And I can't wait for a new comment!


2nd chapter done!

Somebody could comment it, please?


PS: Flora Riddle 3 is already on the web...

Last edited by Droo; 06-18-2012 at 07:52 PM.
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