Originally Posted by
Colley ♥
Okay, definitely the wrong time to be talking about boyfriends then. Taryn blinked at Milton as he started to get up again. "Wait a second here. Don't be like that, you were the one who came to sit with me, you can't get mad." Obviously he COULD since he had, or something. He was grumpy maybe not necessarily mad.
"Sit down." She requested. Taryn shoved the letter back into the ruined envelope and patted the ground beside her. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, boy.
Milton was halfway up when she ordered him to not 'be like that'. Meh. She had a good point. He
was the one to sit next to her. Milton frowned. He didn't like it when he wasn't right.
"Right. Sorry." he mumbled and sat back down next to her on the ground. He noticed her put the letter back in the envelope though. It was uncharacteristic of him, but he decided to be nice.
"You can go ahead and read that. Don't let me ruin it." Partially because Milton was no good at talking about his problems. Although, maybe talking about how much of a git Kennedy was might not be so hard...