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Old 06-14-2012, 02:18 AM   #273 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

What do you want? A signature and avvie please!
What size? Room for a couple lines of text on the signature, please!
I need pictures!
SPOILER!!: Pictures!

How about the text? "Cornelius Rune; 6th Year Ravenclaw" or something like that.
What colours do you want me to use? Blues and grays please! Or, if you think it looks better, warmer colors like orange and yellow.
Is there anything you DON'T want me to do? Stray from neons please?
Anything else? Nope, can't wait to see them!
Will you come back? (lol, don't answer that XD) Of course! I can't believe I haven't been here yet!

Thank you!
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