SPOILER!!: Medusaaa
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Ronnie snuck to the Duck Pond, an armful of...something secret. You can't know what it is. Only Deathbird can know. Not you, not anybody, ONLY DEATHBIRD!
Speaking of her...where was she?
Ronnie's head whipped around, her red hair flying around as she did. Hmm...where was she? She sighed and shrugged, deciding she'd show up at some point. She then snuck off around to some bushes at the emptier side of the pond. No students here, no students to see her...secret business. Heh heh.
Ronnie slowly put away her armful of her something secret in a bush as carefully as possible, looking around from time to time making sure no one was watching her. Because NO ONE could see this. Or her and Deathbird would be in big trouble.
Deathbird was experiencing some fo serious struggles. First off, MEDUSA had made these erm-
secret things-extremely large...which meant they were heavy! Secondly, Medusa was freakishly fast. Like FREAKISHLY. How was she so far ahead?! And lastly, Deathbird was little and her ickle legs just couldn't move through the snow as swiftly as her friend.
When she did arrive, armload full of
secret things, the second year spy spotted her friend's hair by a bush.
"CAW...CAW!" Was that the sounds a deathbird made?! Honestly, she didn't know. She was just going with the flow so...
"CAW CAW!" Which meant she was coming, Medusa, coming to help you with the task.