Sucking on a piece of orange in her mouth while another four laid in her hand,
Louisa almost hummed on her way to the lounge. She was almost cold-free, no more sneezing or coughing, the mild fever subsided, she no longer needed scarves and layers of clothes, her life would be complete without this nasal voice that got stuck for a while.
Now all she needed before heading to her common room and finish some homework would be a very bubbly bath that she had her eyes set on in the Prefect's Lounge. That place was hardly ever occupied she kicked open the door and aaaaaalmost stepped out of her flats.
Louisa grinned as she headed to where Paulie was lying/sitting. "
Oranges?" extending the hand that had a couple, all peeled and not juicy!icky. Then she just plopped down next to him, silent.