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"Professor Bellaire," Willy returned the greeting, quickly sliding his feet off the sofa and standing up. He wiped his feet at the doormat and shuffled on into the office, glancing about for the grandson.
"I didn't know your grandson went to Hogwarts!" he whispered once he was inside, still craning his neck for a glance of the firstie. "What house is he?" Did first years take naps?? Also, how old was Bellaire that she had a GRANDSON???
Sophia slipped into her comfy chair and motioned towards the coffee. He could have some if he wanted. There was also tea of course. She waited for the professor to settle in.
"You don't have to whisper...just don't use the booming man voice."Inside voice Mr.Williamson." And no he doesn't, he's a five month old. I was allowed to keep him for a few days since he was born when I was away from home." She spun the photo of a grinning Tyler around though so he could see.
"I'm sure you've met my son though, Tyler Bellaire? He's a second year hufflepuff."
Right, so I need to ask a favour of you, for my up coming lesson.."