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Oh, she was still angry about that and wouldn't talk about Adam. HER choice. Joćo didn't care about them at all. He snorted to himself, in fact. "I am over myself very much, thank you. I'm just saying." How was she still be with him? Was he really that good? Well. Joćo just didn't care. She could go date that idiot--no one was more idiot than Adam though. Huh.
Good thing she was angry. She did all the important steps he didn't know without giving a heed to them. Hehe. Maybe he should talk about the scumbag more? Or maybe not. Because now, she wasn't being funny.
"Haha, really funny." He rolled his eyes. "I mean it. I'm not getting any horns for nothing. You shouldn't, too." He eyed the rags and then eyed back the stall and Louisa inside it. Then, he let out some ineligible Portuguese words under his breath and took off his coat and sweater, carefully hanging them on the stall door.
Still eyeing the beast as he waited for it to bolt, he got serious again. He was even a little emotional, if she listened closely. "No kidding. How are you two?" He didn't care, but he still wondered. He had to know if he had been a worse boyfriend than the scumbag, as if that was possible.
Louisa didn't get far into the Re'em's stall since the creature finally saw them... and acknowledged them as intruders. It snorted loudly and started shuffling with its hooves, getting away from both of them. The Ravenclaw froze where she was, plopping the bucket on the floor and holding one hand out for Joao to freeze as well. "
I think we went in too fast," she whispered. "
Avoid the...eyes." A general tip she followed when dealing with creatures below human's IQ.
The Re'em continued its shuffling and snorting for another moment before finally calming down... somewhat. Louisa swallowed and took a deep breath. "
Keep your wand at the ready without showing it. I'm coming closer," her voice was very serious and dramatic. She could've saluted too if her heart wasn't accelerating.
Louisa took a step forward, the creature snorted and rocked its head up and down. She didn't know what to make of this gesture so she took another step forward... the Re'em then let out a horrible groan before glaring at the two intruders and its hooves started moving.
Louisa didn't need to be told twice. She jumped backward, flailing her arm toward Joao, grabbing him from his
what's left of his clothes and dragged him out of the stall. "
Merlin's beard! I think we should get friendly with him first," she breathed out, looking at Joao expectantly.
He probably didn't want an answer to his last inquiry, did he? "
Leave us alone. I mean it." she told him as seriously just in case he decided to bail out from the Re'em mission and sit down
interrogating her about
her love life.