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Old 06-11-2012, 12:43 AM   #181 (permalink)

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Default with a little Louisa :3
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Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Still a tad concerned with the Gryffindor's little episode just now, Professor Elwood gladly welcomed the Divination question.

"That's right. The beginning of week one starts the second you cast your coins so keep an eye on these interpretations because you should hopefully see events relative to them in the upcoming weeks." Callie nodded and smiled after looking at the girl curiously for a minute.

She was fine.
Kurumi nodded her head. So, she was in her Week One now, which meant that nothing particularly interesting was happening. Kurumi supposed that was true. Nothing out of the ordinary or surprising had happened and with the break fast approaching she supposed that was to be expected.

Which meant....

Kurumi's eyes widened a bit as she counted on her fingers. A month, in about a month was when...maybe...maybe she would... Kurumi's cheeks turned bright pink and she quickly folded up her parchment so no one would look over her shoulder or anything at her predictions. "Oh, um, thank you, professor," she replied in a slightly hurried tone.

And...was Louisa still staring at her? What had the Gryffindor done?! Was there something on her face?

Looking at Louisa curiously, Kurumi sort of mouthed the word 'what?' in the girl's direction. The Ravenclaw was never one to hold her tongue, especially when it came to Kurumi and her actions.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
[color="#15899FF"]Seeing that many of them were finished Professor Elwood nodded at the good work a few of the stragglers where just ending their readings and made her way back to the front of the classroom.

"Alright everyone I want to thank you for working so hard today despite some small incidents," Multicolored pants coming into existance and extreme day-dreaming aka freezing but they made it to the end. "and since we are pretty much all finished I will go ahead and call the end of this lesson. You all have a great rest of the day."

So they were free to go. It was time for Calista to go back to her office and take a nap once she finished speaking to students.
Thank MERLIN that Kurumi didn't have too much more time to ponder just what Louisa was looking at as class was called. Kurumi scooped her stones up and placed them in the small black velvet bag and then placed that in her school bag.

A month...really? Was that possible? Well, seeing what all had happened after the Quidditch match, how close they had come to it, Kurumi could see it as a possibility...but that didn't make her heartbeat return to a normal pace. It only made it beat faster.

Guess work...that is all Divination was anyway. Guess work. Not like any of these predictions ever actually came true anyway. Right? So...there was nothing to be nervous about. RIGHT?!

"H-H-Have a good day, professor," she squeaked as she made her way out of the classroom.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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