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Old 06-11-2012, 12:39 AM   #180 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Professor :)
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Seeing that many of them were finished Professor Elwood nodded at the good work a few of the stragglers where just ending their readings and made her way back to the front of the classroom.

"Alright everyone I want to thank you for working so hard today despite some small incidents," Multicolored pants coming into existance and extreme day-dreaming aka freezing but they made it to the end. "and since we are pretty much all finished I will go ahead and call the end of this lesson. You all have a great rest of the day."

So they were free to go. It was time for Calista to go back to her office and take a nap once she finished speaking to students.

OCC: And with this post I will no longer accept work on these readings. Good work to all those who have done well so far and keep an eye out for the homework which I shall post later today.

Zhenya had really appreciated Professor Elwood's help. She felt encouraged, and even though she initially had no clue what any of the lesson was about she now had a good set of notes, and her own set of stones, AND knew how to use them. She still wasn't sure she would be able to interpret them quite so well, but she was sure that would come with time. "Thanks Professor," she said with a smile.

As she was starting to write down her interpretations of her stones, Professor Elwood announced the lesson was finishing. Oh dang. She sighed and quickly drew her board and where the stones landed on her parchment so that she could interpret them visually in the common room. She was determined to be able to do that! She carefully packed her stones in her pouch and packed away her things. Taking another glance around to make sure she had cleaned up, she stood up and said "Thanks for the lesson, Professor. I definitely feel like my head is full." It sure was. She had learned an entire new thing today, and she was happy!

always on the move
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