Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz Her eyes narrowed infinitesimally. Clearly this lump of a man was not taking her at all seriously. She hexed him again. Only a little hex. More of a sting, really. A little sting.
"How about you answer me before I lose my patience." Althea suggested. Or before she sent an alert out to Law Enforcement. He probably would have more fun in the hands of those big, cocky, MLE men, than at her mercy.
Chev chuckled, again trying (and failing) to roll himself to a sitting position. His back was so thrown out, but in the end he managed to roll over to his stomach. That was ... betterish.
"If this is you being patient, Beautiful, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist seeing you lose patience." So go on. Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 The courtrooms had many little acloves hidden along their stone, dungeon-like corridors and those were the exact things that had Armen Recard down on level 10 in the middle of the work day.
Once upon a time he and Isobel had snuck down here to spend time with each other, but those days were long and past, the blonde already getting married to Wes Ferguson and he was preparing to make his move on Gabi Schultz. These surely were different times. The man stood and began to make his return to level six after his little break when he heard a loud bang which sounded like magic being fired off in a nearby room and then some raised voices.
The Department Head thought at first of just leaving and letting whoever else was there deal with it, not his problem and all but he changed his mind when he heard one of the voices was female. That wouldn't be good if something happened to her and he was right there.
The man walked along the corridor until he reached the door where the sound was coming from and propped it open slowly, sticking his head into the well furnished and completely out-of-place Courtroom Seven. The scene before him was....unorthidox, even for the Ministry. "What's going on in here?" he said raising his own voice, the authoritative one he loved to use so much. "Ma'am is this drunkard bothering you?" He looked at the attractive blonde his weakness and then back to the man sprawled on the floor showing far too much for a proper place like the Courtrooms or really anywhere other human beings were located. "You. Cover up, there is a lady here." He spat at the man.
Chev managed up to his knees, butt up and pointed towards the pair of Oh-So-Brilliant Department Heads. He groaned, his back pulling and tugging, but managed a chuckle in an among it all.
Drunkard? Bothering HER? Oh chuckle.
"Two ladies, by the way I see it." Not that he could see much from this position. |