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Old 06-10-2012, 07:00 PM   #171 (permalink)

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Default End of the lesson everyone! ^_^
Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher

Seeing that many of them were finished Professor Elwood nodded at the good work a few of the stragglers where just ending their readings and made her way back to the front of the classroom.

"Alright everyone I want to thank you for working so hard today despite some small incidents," Multicolored pants coming into existance and extreme day-dreaming aka freezing but they made it to the end. "and since we are pretty much all finished I will go ahead and call the end of this lesson. You all have a great rest of the day."

So they were free to go. It was time for Calista to go back to her office and take a nap once she finished speaking to students.

OCC: And with this post I will no longer accept work on these readings. Good work to all those who have done well so far and keep an eye out for the homework which I shall post later today.
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