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Old 06-10-2012, 06:22 PM   #168 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sarah Edwards

Gryffinclaw-Ravendor • The REAL Hermione Granger

Sarah brow furried and she wrote some more.

Week 1-Mercury -intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
- maybe I will do very well in school and stop being tactless.

Week 2-air -Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
- maybe my dream will come true

Week 3-venus and a bit of moon -love, fidelity, happiness
with abit of inspiration, psychic ability and intuition - i will be happy yet inspiried and intuitive. my paraniod body won;t sadden be so much. Venus is a pointer, poitning to Jupiter.I will be happy with my money i gt.

Week 4-a bit of Venus , mostly moon and bit of spirit - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition with a bit of love, fidelity, happiness and Needs of the self, communication with the Divine-will see the future, yet be happy with it.

Week 5-spirit and a bit of earth -Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
with a bit of security of home, family and friends- will be able to mediatate without becoming withdrawn.

Week 6-earth and a bit of Saturn - security of home, family and friends with a bit of longevity, protection, purification
- will have fun with friends and family but be safe.

Week 7-fire and Saturn- longevity, protection, purification and Passion, willpower, outside influences
- be passionate about something, yet feel secure. Saturn is pointer. pointing to mercury, earth and water. All these can be entwined in saturn. Protecion=security of home = compassion and healing. They are all together,.. Yet it is alos pointing to Mars and/or Mercury. This complicated things. Maybe I will do courageous acts yet have protexciton.

Week 8- water - a time of Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing - maybe lick the wounds of being passinate.

Week 9-overlap of water and then sun a bit o Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing with lots of power, energy and life
- i will heal, yet won't be depressed.

Week 10- Jupiter -money, justice, prosperity
will earn pocketmoney and be happy with what i have. The Jupiter is a pointer, that is pointing to the Universe stone. I will be able to be rich,. yet not con-incited.

Week 11-universe -our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level , will have good self-esteem and feel important
Week 12-mars -courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict, will be a true gryffindor and stand up for what i believe in.

Last edited by Princesspower; 06-10-2012 at 06:56 PM. Reason: adding pointers
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