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Joćo gasped slightly at the approaching footsteps. What if it was HIM!? He raised his eyes from the book quickly and stood there almost frozen, looking at the animal. If it was him--looking wouldn't work best. But he had to see who it was! Some more seconds passed staring at the animal, heartbeats getting faster and faster when--
She talked.
He let out a huge sigh of relief, although she didn't exactly make things any better either. The colour of his face started to return too. If the man came, Louisa would hide him, right?
"So it's a Re'em?" Clever girl! So they were talking in a friendly way again, it seemed? After potions, that is? Heh. She wished! He wasn't going to make a scene of course, but he was going to keep things formal. And neutral. She had chosen Adam over him, and even hexed him for that idiot. She'd used him as her manservant. Those were hard to forget. But as long as she kept her mouth shut, he was fine.
He didn't get up, but he scooted over where he sat so that she could sit too while he tried to find Re'em in the book.
Ooooh. He didn't know what it was. Internal snort. Very typical of the Brazilian boy. Louisa aaalmost smiled at the familiarity of this. It was wrong to lie and say she didn't like the way certain things remained intact in people. It gave her some sense of... safety. To go back with someone and see that they hadn't changed that much, that everything was just normal somewhat.
Yes, it is a Re'em." She started spilling everything she knew about the creature while looking at it, "
They live in the wilds of North America and the Far East. Their blood gives major strength to those who drink it for a limited period of time." It didn't really need to be taken care of as far as she knew, unless.... "
Are you planning on feeding or cleaning it?" It wasn't the nicest creature in the barn, she might add.