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Old 06-10-2012, 02:13 PM   #166 (permalink)

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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Narcissa Hensley
Third Year

x6 x4
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean

Now. Indiana really wasn't too sure how interpretations. Indy wasn't too good at interpeting things. Because she was going to give it a go anyway. Because she liked it. Hmm. The blonde noted down which stones were in which bit of the circle. That way if she knocked them she would've known where they had been. There was a couple of sections with no stones in, and that kind of made Indy confused. What was she supposed to do with those sections. Oh well. It seemed her throwing skills were good, because nobody was overlapping either. Now she just needed to get through the interpreting stage. Her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth a little, Indy set to intepreting each section of the circle

SPOILER!!: Indy's parchment

What the stones mean
1. The Sun - power, energy and life
2. The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
3. Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
4. Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
5. Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
6. Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
7. Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
8. Earth - security of home, family and friends
9. Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
10. Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
11. Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
12. Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
13. The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level

Week 1 – Sun and Air
• The sun represents a good energy, whilst air represents hopes and dreams. So maybe in this week my energy will be good, meaning I might be closer to reaching my hopes and dreams/

Week 2 – Jupiter
• Money. In this week maybe something earns me money? Or maybe it’d be a hogmeade weekend so I’d spend more? Or perhaps I learn something that will lead me to money in the future.

Week 3 – Mars• Courage. I may need courage for something that occurs in this week. There may be conflict within the week that needs me to be courageous.

Week 4 – Empty
• This section is empty. So perhaps my life continues on in the same pattern as the previous week.

Week 5 – Water
• There is reconciliation in this week. Maybe it’ll mean I make up with the person I had conflict with in Week 3.

Week 6 – Fire
• Passion, outside influences. Maybe something will occur that changes everything. Maybe there is an outside influence that caused the conflict within week 3, which may affect the reconciliation that happened in week 5

Week 7 – Moon and Saturn
• Inspiration. The moon maybe suggests I am inspired by something, but then Saturn represents protection. So maybe I am inspired to protect someone. Maybe this could relate to quidditch? Seeing as I’m a beater…my role is to protect the seeker?

Week 8 - Mercury and Universe
• Mercury represents intelligence and self-improvement, so maybe within this week I am more focused on my studies. The universe represents our place in the grand scheme of things. This kind of matches with mercury, and my personality as I like improving my intelligence, and learning new things.

Week 9 – Empty
• This section is empty again so perhaps I’m continuing on the same way as last week, improving my intelligence. Or it may just be a quiet week.

Week 10 - Earth
• Earth represents security of home, and my friends. I believe this would be a quiet week, just thinking about my friends. Maybe it represents near the end of term. Going home. I feel very secure in my house at Hogwarts, and sometimes it’s hard going home.

Week 11 – Venus
• Venus represents Love and happiness. This week could be a follow on of week 10, where I am very happy within my house, and feel very loved within my group of friends.

Week 12 – Spirit.
• The final stone is spirit, which represents the needs of me. This comes at the end of the 12 weeks, which could help me to view everything else, and see how it affects my needs.

Indy kind of frowned a little as she looked at her interpretations. She wasn't sure if they any good. But this was the first time that she had done this. Hopefully the professor would come and tell her how she had done. And she was only little. She could only learn right?
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix

But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
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