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Old 06-10-2012, 07:10 AM   #160 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Calif., USA
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Cristoffer Daniel Strand
Sixth Year

x12 x12
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan

Alyssa looked at her circle again.

SPOILER!!: Alyssa's circle of 13

After studying where the stones fell and reading over what each stone represented, Alyssa began writing down what she thought the stones that she had dropped in the circle represented for her.

SPOILER!!: Alyssa's interpretation of the circle of 13 stones

Stone Meanings
The Sun - power, energy and life
The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
Earth - security of home, family and friends
Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level

Week One:
It looks like nothing eventful will happen in the first week as no stones have fallen in that section.

Week Two:
Week two starts off smoothly until sometime in the middle of the week where the influence of the Fire Stone will show itself. As Fire represents passion, willpower and outside influences, this could possibly mean I will encounter something or someone that will test my own convictions and willpower midway through the week. It see myself losing my temper or feeling emotions I never thought I would have right now.

Week Three:
After what happened in the Second Week, I am glad that nothing will be happening this week as no stone has fallen in this section.

Week Four:
The Earth stone dropped into this section together with the Spirit stone which falls between this week and the next. With the Earth Stone representing security of home, family and friends and the Spirit Stone representing the needs of the self and communication with Divine, I believe that this week will start off calm but then sometime in the middle of the week, I be thinking of my family and friends and how much I miss them . The fact that the Spirit stone likes midway in this section means, that l will most likely be receiving some news from them. I'm only hoping that it is good news.

Week Five:
The Moon stone and Water Stone fall on this week. The Moon stone represents inspiration, psychic ability and intuition and the Water Stone represents compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing. The fact that the Moon stone and the Water form a cluster with the stones from the week before, with all pointers from all four stones pointing to the Moon stone, tells me that the Moon stone will dominate what happens at the end of last week and the entirety of this week. My intuition about what may be happening with some of my family and friends, will help me to reconcile and heal whatever differences I may have with them and will improve my communication with them also.

Week Six:
After all that turmoil and stuff happening in the fourth and fifth week, I'm glad that I will be having a peaceful week.

Week Seven:
The first few days of the week start of easy. The fact the Air stone has fallen in this section tells me that this week will be a good one though, as the Air stone represents wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration. I believe that all I hope and wish for will come true this week.

Week Eight:
The first few days will start off good and by the end of the week, the power of the Sun Stone and the Venus stone will dominate the last few days in the week. Since the Sun stone represents power, energy and life, and the Venus Stone represents love, fidelity and happiness, this should mean that those days will be fun filled with love and happiness and on these days, my energy and health will be at it's peak.

Week Nine:
The fact that the Saturn stone, which represents longevity, protection and purification, has fallen on the first few days of this week and forms a cluster with the Sun and Venus Stone tells me that the feelings that I have been feeling the week before will continue throughout this week too. The fact that the Saturn Stone and Venus Stone are touching tells me I will finally find true love and happiness with someone who will love and protect me.

Week Ten:
The week will be relatively calm until the end of the week where there will be encountering some conflict which I will need lots of courage in order to overcome it and this conflict will continue until the next week.

Week Eleven:
As the week starts, it gets clearer what the conflict is about as the Mars stone's pointer points towards the Jupiter stone which falls in this section. As the Jupiter Stone represents money, justice and prosperity, the conflict will most probably be about some kind of inheritance which I will need to fight to keep. The fact that the Mercury Stone also falls in this section, will mean that during this week, even as I'm overcoming this obstacle, I will be learning from the mistakes I made while battling this conflict, as the Mercury Stone represents intelligence, self-improvement and overcoming bad habits.

Week Twelve:
After a very busy week, I'm only looking forward for a peaceful week, which is what the Universe Stone will hopefully give me as it represents our place in the grand scheme of things on a cosmic level. By the end of twelve weeks, I have truly learnt where my place is in the whole scheme of things. Everybody has an important part to play as we go through life. Some days we may seem insignificant but on other days, our mere existence can affect others.

Now that she was done, Alyssa sat back and rubbed her forehead. Her headache was getting worse.
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