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Old 06-10-2012, 06:35 AM   #158 (permalink)

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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
But before she could say anything else, Kurumi unfroze and continued to work as if nothing had happened and then looked at them to ask if something was wrong.


"Dear, are you alright?" She asked the girl, still secretly hoping what had just happened was indeed a vision. "Oh, nevermind. It's nothing. Miss Carter and Mister Gert back to your desks to finish your work or to wait for me to check it." She didn't need another fiasco in this lesson which seemed to happen alot at Hogwarts.

She might have to bring up what had just happened though with another Professor. Callie just didn't like that it sort of reminded her of when Max had fallen from his broom during that last Quidditch match. [/color]
Kurumi had set her quill down and folded her hands on the table as she looked up at the Divination professor. Kurumi blinked a few times, wondering why she was being asked if she was alright when everyone around her were the ones staring at her. "I'm fine, professor," she nodded. "Just trying to finish up my reading." In case she had a follow up asking what the Gryffindor was doing. No one was answering her question though, which was frustrating. It was just like in Transfiguration when Professor Magnus had asked her a similar thing when she had entered the classroom for class. Or, erm, reentered it as the woman had said she had. It was just weird.

When Professor Elwood dismissed the other two, Kurumi sort of just looked at them. Erm, right...and why was Louisa seemingly showing concern for her? THAT was the weird thing about this situation. Forget Professor Elwood asking if she was alright, Louisa actually looked concerned.

"I should probably get back to my reading," she said with a small smile. It wouldn't be too much longer until the lesson was over anyway. With that, Kurumi's attention was back on the stones on her table. Where had she left off? Oh, right.
SPOILER!!: Kurumi's parchment

the practice of performing divination by reading stones

Stone Meanings
  1. The Sun - power, energy and life
  2. The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
  3. Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
  4. Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
  5. Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
  6. Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
  7. Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
  8. Earth - security of home, family and friends
  9. Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
  10. Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
  11. Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
  12. Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
  13. The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level

Week One : Since there are no stones in this section which means that there will be no sudden or drastic changes. The path I am currently on will continue on its way without any sort of interruption.

Week Two : This week introduces ruby, the stone I selected to represent Mars. Mars making an appearance implies that this week will be one of conflict. Perhaps some of my relationships will be tested or I will have to battle with some inner turmoil. Mars also suggests courage and defensive magic, which means that I should prepare myself for conflict and not panic.

Week Three : After the conflict presented in week two, it interesting to see that the stone that comes next is the one representing the Universe. The Universe represents our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level, so perhaps what this means is that I overcame the conflict and it helped me find my place. Whether this is on a a smaller level in terms of own own personal cosmic level or on a larger scale it unknown.

Week Four : With the introduction of the Fire stone - representing passion, willpower, outside influences - it makes me think that perhaps what happened in week three was more of a transition period into this week. My journey towards self discovery or whatnot began, but this week it comes to a peak due to outside influences that increase my willpower to find the answers as well as my passion

Week Five : This week draws on the powers from the Sun and Venus stones respectively. The Sun represents power, energy and life while Venus love, fidelity, happiness. The combination of these implies a week ruled by emotions driven by love and that my relationships strengthen and perhaps I have the courage to tell that special someone that I love him. Perhaps this means the conflict from Week Two has been resolved?

Week Six : Since no stones fell in this area it implies that the effects from the previous week are still in effect and unchanging.

Week Seven : The main stone in this section is the one representing Air. Air brings with it a focus on wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration. What is interesting is that the Mercury stone is a sort of pointer in this area, which means that my wishes, hopes, and dreams are more than just wishful thinking but that they are things that will push me towards self improvement and are things that I will seriously consider. Perhaps something that I have been longing for will come to be?

Week Eight : The effects of Mercury continue into this week, acting as a sort of pointer again for the stone representing Saturn. Saturn represents longevity, protection, purification. This could possibly mean that those hopes and dreams have turned into something more - not just a possible reality, but an actual reality. One that is lasting.

Week Nine : It seems like Mercury has finally worn off and Jupiter has come to take its place. Jupiter represents money, justice, prosperity. Perhaps this means I will happen upon some sort of wealth, if money is taken literally, or that this week is just especially fruitful. Maybe it is connect to those dreams and wishes coming true? More motivation could also be implied.

Week Ten : Shifting powers to those of the Water stone, this week places an emphasis on compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing. Looking back on my previous weeks' readings, it had been constant change after constant change, so it seems as though this week should be one of reflection and relaxation before starting into the home stretch of the year.

Week Eleven : The Moon's influence comes into play this week, bringing with it notions of inspiration, psychic ability and intuition. Seeing as I have no psychic abilities, I believe this week is more about my intuition. So I should trust my instincts this week. The Moon stone is also a sort of pointer towards the Earth stone, placing even more emphasis on friends and family, especially when it comes to finding personal inspiration.

Week Twelve : There is still a little bit of Earth's influence lingering this week, but it does not act as a pointer towards the stone representing the Spirit. Still, the fact that these two stones appear together shows that my personal desires will be those associated with friends and family, so I should seek out their company.

Meh, guess work. That is what this was. Still, Kurumi's attention was drawn to a particular week, the one where she had tried to cross out a certain something and her heart began to pound in her chest as another thought crossed her mind. "P-Professor?" Kurumi asked as she raised her hand. "When do these readings apply? I mean, since we casted these today, does today mark the beginning of week one?"

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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