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Old 06-10-2012, 04:10 AM   #156 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher

SPOILER!!: Responses to Student Progress
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel had all of his stones ready and just dropped them on his chart or wheel thingy.
SPOILER!!: Horrible Tabletop

He liked that none of the stones got on the lines. He was also surprised that he got his Air Stone in the first week. So that must mean that something was going to happen this week that had to do with wishes, hopes, dreams and inspirations. But he did not know what because he did not really wish for anything yet.

But Nigel really liked what was going to happen in week two. He had Jupiter which represents money, justice, and prosperity. He also had Water that represented personal healing and compassion. So he was going to get money and feel happy and compassionate . Nigel really liked get money. Nigel had know idea what to do with the pointer stone that he threw so he just left it where it was.
Professor Elwood stopped at the young Ravenclaw's desk after seeing that he had so wonderfully casted his stones into his reading field and watched as he looked at them carefully.

"Now don't forget to write out your interpretations for each week the best you can. I know you can do this." She gave him a reassuring nod and smile before moving on.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa looked down at the stones which had landed in her circle after she had dropped them.

SPOILER!!: Alyssa's Circle of 13

Next thing she had to do was figure out what the formation and clusters of stones and where the pointers pointed to represented. Alyssa pulled over her notes and reviewed the meaning of what each stone represented.

Text Cut: Alyssa Divination Journal
1. The Sun - power, energy and life
2. The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
3. Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
4. Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
5. Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
6. Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
7. Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
8. Earth - security of home, family and friends
9. Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
10. Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
11. Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
12. Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
13. The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level

Alyssa rubbed her head. She was starting to get a headache again. This wasn't going to be easy like she thought the practical would be, but Alyssa decided that she would at least try her best. 'Hey if I was meant to really know all this, I wouldn't be in this class right now.' Alyssa thought to herself.
"Dear are you alright?"

Professor Elwood approached Alyssa's desk after the girl had cast her stones and hoped she was ok and able to continue with her reading. "The lesson won't last much longer, you can just go ahead and work on your individual week interpretations and then we will be finished and you can go see the Healer if you'd like." She didn't want the girl to feel bad.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post

Looking down at her stones once again, Sierra realized that she should really start her reading. She softly sighed to herself. It seemed like a lot of work, but...ohh, well. It wasn't like she had a choice here. So how was this done again? Just listing the weeks, combining those sharing a stone, and then interpret based on what the stone meant? It sounded easy enough, even though it sounded like a lot of work.

No sense in holding off. She didn't know how long this would take, and who knew when the activity would end...

Week 1:
The stone present in this section is the Saturn stone. This stone stands for longevity, protection, and purification. It's not exactly pointing to anything. If anything, it just looks like a blob. So I don't think it really leads to anything but more or less stresses that in the weeks to come, I'll be protected from any dangers or possible threats. I think it also means that things will clear to me, and there won't be any struggles for quite a while.

Week 2:
The stone present in this section is the Venus stone. This stone stands for love, fidelity, and happiness. The strange thing is that this is a pointer, yet it doesn't really seem to be pointing to anything. Maybe the fire or sun stone, but I'll get into that later. Anyway, maybe this means that all will be right and happy with those that I love. This would be my family, of course. I don't think I've grown to love anyone else yet. I also think we'll be happy in whatever our life path leads us to.

Week 3:
The stone present in this section is the Universe stone. This stone stands for our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level. What's a cosmic level anyway? I'm not sure, but either way, I at least know what it means to find your place in the grand scheme of things. This stone is also a pointer, and it's pointing back up to the last section, which was Venus. I think what it's trying to tell me is that through love and happiness, I'll find my place in the grand scheme of things. Maybe through the love and support of my family.

Week 4:
There's no stone present in this section. I guess it'll just be a low-key week where I can maybe reflect on the last few weeks or look ahead to what might come.

Week 5:
The stones present in this section are the Air stone and Earth stone. The Air stone stands for wishes, hopes, dreams, and inspiration. The Earth stone stands for security of home, family, and friends. An important thing to look at here is that both stones are pointers and are pointing toward one another. I think, again, that this all goes back to the fact that a lot of my stone readings are pointing out the fact that I can succeed with the love and support of my family. I think this section is telling me that by surrounding myself with those I love, I can fulfill all the goals I've set my mind to.

Week 6:
The stone present in this section is the Fire stone. This stone stands for passion, willpower, and outside influences. This isn't a pointer stone, but earlier, I mentioned that the Venus stone may be pointing toward it. Venus stands for stands for love, fidelity, and happiness. If the stones are pointing toward one another, it could mean that relationships with others, I will go further in my goals and endeavors, and that through their support, I will succeed. This seems to be a common theme in my reading, actually. Otherwide, if they aren't pointing together, I think it's just a reminder that through dedication and determination, I will succeed.
"Excellent work Miss Greingoth! Those interpretations are quite interesting. You will have to keep checking to see how accurate they turn out to be." The blonde smiled at the Slytherin Prefect before moving on to other kids.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Okay, so the stones were thrown and her inner eye was working so now what? ...She had to like-read them now, yeah? Well this would definitely be interesting. Ella had never done any kind of reading before so she was a little apprehensive about the whole thing. Knowing it would probably take a while to complete, the second year pulled her notes towards her and did her best to interpret what the locations the stones had fallen in meant.

Ella honestly wasn't sure about her interpretations but she had done the best she could. Hopefully she wasn't too far off.
Professor Elwood made her way over to the young Hufflepuff's desk who she had taken notice of earlier in the lesson, giving everything her best effort.

"Good job Miss Bishop. You should be proud of your work." The blonde tapped her paper with her finger and grinned before moving on.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post

Zhenya spent a few minutes spreading her stones on the table and 'getting to know them', although she had no idea what to do. She looked at them and thought that they were pretty, but that didn't mean much, did it? She made up a board for herself to use, and divided it into 12. She watched in amazement as the Professor layed her stones on her board and knew what they meant. How did that happen? Zhenya raised an eyebrow and rolled her stones onto her circle board to see what would happen.

SPOILER!!: Table

She didn't know what it all meant, so following the example from the board she wrote down where her stones were and decided to go from there. She was confused because most of her stones decided to land in the divides of the weeks.

She shook her head, not knowing what it all meant...
Calista continued her rounds around the students' desk and stopped beside a Slytherin girl's who seemed to be having a little bit of trouble.

"Are you stuck? Well you've casted your stones correctly and I see you've listed which of them landed in which section on you parchment. That's a good start, now all you need to do to finish is just write out your interpretations of that week based on the things those stones represent and what situations you might encounter." She nodded her encouragement and smiled smally. The girl was smart, Professor Elwood had faith in her.
Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
Gideon took out a clear piece of parchment and began drawing out the circle that was to represent the field for him to drop the stones of his set within. It took a bit of time and effort to do his best on making the circle as close to circular as he could get it and not look messy. The cross pieces were easier...first the main ones and then the secondary ones and finally he had the circle made and divided into twelve mostly equal parts.

SPOILER!!: Circle

Guessing now that he was done with the one part, he should actually throw the stones to cast them and see what came up. The prefect scooped them up into his one hand and shook them up a little to try and mix things up a bit then taking a deep breath he let them go over the parchment circle most of them landing within but a couple seemed to have missed the outline. Oh well...didn't seem to bad for his first try. Gideon briefly glanced between his list of stones and his cast ones but his attention was then turned elsewhere.
SPOILER!!: Cast Stones
Before the male Gryffindor Prefect had risen from his seat to approach the Professor and Kurumi, Callie had stopped at his desk and looked over his shoulder at his lithomancy reading progress.

"Dear, what happened to the other 4 of your stones? Did they fall off the desk?" She ducked down to check the floor but didn't see them. Perhaps they were still in his bag. "You'll need to find those or else your reading will not be correct and you will miss some things in your next 12 weeks." And that wouldn't be good at all; forget points, you didn't want to mess up the guide that tells you what might happen soon!

After finishing helping some nearby students, Professor Elwood turned back to the happy event taking place, Kurumi accessing her true potential as a Seer! In Callie's very own Divination class!
SPOILER!!: Gideon, Louisa, and Kurumi
Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
He looked over as Professor Elwood exclaimed drawing attention to Kurumi. Except the woman apparently believed his fellow prefect was having a divination experience which Gideon wasn't so sure thats what it was. Selina was the seer...not Kurumi and he had even witnessed one of her own experiences.

Not to mention Kurumi had been acting weird at times throughtout the term, blanking out at times much like this one. "Um...professor. Not that I doubt its possible." Having seen it. " But I'm not sure thats what it is..." Gideon spoke up getting hesitantly to his feet and debating moving closer to his friend. Hopefully the professor wouldn't think he was simply an unbeliever be a bit more open minded that it might be something else. At least the Ravenclaw prefect Louisa seemed to be unsure of things as well.
SPOILER!!: Gideon, Louisa, and Kurumi
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
It was when the professor made them pay attention again that Louisa saw something crazy. Paulie-crazy. Why exactly was his pants polka doted? And an ugly shade of green? Louisa grinned at his back from all the way where she was sitting. His year as Head Boy was not easy, y'know. It only meant two things; either he did that on purpose in a gesture of rebellion again his badge, or someone wanted him to look like a fool. She made a mental note to take this fact and cherish it RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE. Hehe.

Moving on..

The Ravenclaw watched the professor throw the stones and followed very intently the explanation that followed. The way she interpreted the correlation between the stones' spots and life. It was amusing. Louisa didn't believe in that fully but she wanted to try and see if it worked. None of the other methods of Divination worked before but... who knows.

She unhooked her pouch, put the stones on her lap before stretching the cloth on the desk before her. Gathering the stones in both of her hands she threw them on the desk, trying to make them scatter as much as possible and they did...

SPOILER!!: Louisa's stooooooones

Getting her parchment on her lap, the one with the notes. She started inspecting the stones and writing her interpretion on a new parchment.

SPOILER!!: Louisa's nooooooootes

13 Stones & indications:
1. The Sun - power, energy and life
2. The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
3. Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
4. Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
5. Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
6. Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
7. Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
8. Earth - security of home, family and friends
9. Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
10. Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
11. Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
12. Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
13. The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level

Week #1: Venus & the Sun(Venus is a pointer toward the sun)
With Venus, which means happiness most probably out of its indications, pointing at the sun and making a cluster with it; it could mean that my week will be full of... great happiness. Maybe something will either happen or turn out quite satisfactory to me.

Week #2: the Sun
The stone is the sun which indicates power, life and energy. This could mean that maybe a new life will be... coming into mine. Maybe a new pet. Or plant.

Week #3: Saturn
It stands on week three on its own which means longevity, protection, or purification. That could mean maybe I'll be protected from something really bad could've happened. Or maybe get rid of some negative energy (purification?) such as anger toward something or frustration.

Week #4: Saturn & the Moon
It's a cluster of Saturn and Moon stones. The moon could be a pointer toward Saturn too, which could indicate the rising of something I've always had a hunch about coming or showing or happening. Like one of my articles getting FINALLY published somewhere.

[I]week #5[/U]: the Moon
My intuition could be really strong that week, probably due to the only stone on it which's the moon. It indicates psychic ability and inspiration as well so that could be promising me to have more inspiration in my homework and writings hopefully...

Week #6: the Earth & the Spirit
The earth stone is forming a cluster with the spirit one and is considered a pointer! That very well indicates that my friends (spirit stone indication) will be very needed during that week. Or that I need to communicate with my family more.

Week #7: the Spirit & the Fire
The spirit stone and the fire one are very close together. That week could be one that I'll express my self needs in a rather blunt and selfish way. Since Fire indicates without influence and Spirit is about one's needs.

Week #8: the Spirit & the Fire & Mars
It could indicate tens of things considering the three stones but I would go with: something could make me initiate (Fire) a conflict (Mars) with something/someone really significant (Spirit).

Week #9: Mars
A week of conflicts, apparently. And everything Mars indicates to tells me it's not the happiest week of the month.

Week #10: Water
Welp. That'd be a really logical stone to fall into this week's spot since after the week of conflicts, a week of reconciliation should be due. And that is what Water stone tells me.

Week #11: Jupiter & the Universe
I wouldn't call this a cluster really... but it could be. So it's mainly about prosperity in general; maybe winning something, or 'inheriting' something from someone. Orrr it could be justice. That week would be justice-wise prospering!

Week #12: Air & the Universe
It's a cluster of the air stone and the universe one. It indicates to wishes, dreams, and hopes. Maybe the universe - or nature perhaps would help me take another step forward in my life. Somehow.

Just as the Prefect put her quill down and was about to re-analyze her analysis, professor Elwood screamed something about Kurumi finding her Inner Eye.


Curiously Louisa left her desk and moved slowly toward the Gryffindor and the professor. She wanted to see how exactly one would find their Inner Eye, and why was it Kurumi the girl who already had her outer eyes confused COUGHaboutboysCOUGH?

But the girl was... not moving. And her eyes were staring blindly at the desk. Louisa frowned and asked the overly excited blonde woman, "Err... Is it normal that she freezes like that?" Just to check, Louisa poked the girl gently on the shoulder.

If she fell... it meant something WRONG happened. If she snapped awake with some voodoo talk, it'd be her Inner Eye alright.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi's vacant eyes continued to stare at the rocks on the table. It really didn't matter where Kurumi was looking to be entirely honest. She could have been looking up at the ceiling or straight into someone's eyes, the look would have been the same. Empty. Kurumi didn't even hear Professor Elwood's announcement of her being in the beyond. She wasn't really anywhere, besides physically being in her seat, so one could almost argue that she was beyond The Beyond. Kurumi's body may have mood slightly at Louisa's touch, but that was not of the Gryffindor's own doing but rather the force of the poke.

Staying this way for several more uncomfortable moments - at least to those observing her - it was almost uncertain as to whether or not Kurumi was actually breathing. She was just THAT frozen.

Kurumi blinked suddenly, but showed no sign of feeling uncomfortable. In fact, Kurumi simply looked at her stones, blinking a few more times, and then picked up her quill to begin writing down her analysis of her spread.

SPOILER!!: Kurumi's parchment

the practice of performing divination by reading stones

Stone Meanings
  1. The Sun - power, energy and life
  2. The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
  3. Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
  4. Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
  5. Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
  6. Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
  7. Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
  8. Earth - security of home, family and friends
  9. Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
  10. Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
  11. Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
  12. Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
  13. The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level

Week One : Since there are no stones in this section which means that there will be no sudden or drastic changes. The path I am currently on will continue on its way without any sort of interruption.

Week Two : This week introduces ruby, the stone I selected to represent Mars. Mars making an appearance implies that this week will be one of conflict. Perhaps some of my relationships will be tested or I will have to battle with some inner turmoil. Mars also suggests courage and defensive magic, which means that I should prepare myself for conflict and not panic.

Week Three : After the conflict presented in week two, it interesting to see that the stone that comes next is the one representing the Universe. The Universe represents our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level, so perhaps what this means is that I overcame the conflict and it helped me find my place. Whether this is on a a smaller level in terms of own own personal cosmic level or on a larger scale it unknown.

Week Four : With the introduction of the Fire stone - representing passion, willpower, outside influences - it makes me think that perhaps what happened in week three was more of a transition period into this week. My journey towards self discovery or whatnot began, but this week it comes to a peak due to outside influences that increase my willpower to find the answers as well as my passion

Kurumi decided that she needed a small break before moving on to Week Five, which had two stones and therefore would require a bit more guess work thinking. It was not that she realized that...there were people...around her....watching her. Um.....awkward.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked innocently. Professor Elwood looked as though she were about to burst and, well, Louisa and Gideon were looking like they had just seen someone kick a cruppy or something of that sort.

"Is it normal to freeze?" Did she seriously just ask her that? Calista Elwood was a Seer herself and she would know if these things were supposed to happen or not!


Shoot. "Well, technically visions are not always performed by Seers in a uniform way but this may be her own way. We just need to see if she begins to project her Sight vocally to us." Calista looked at Kurumi expectantly, waiting for something, anything to come from the girl.


Before she could do anything the Ravenclaw Prefect poked the entranced girl and the Gryffindor male prefect joined them, doubting too, that Miss Hollingberry was a proper Seer. Like he would know, Professor Elwood was teaching the blasted subject.

But before she could say anything else, Kurumi unfroze and continued to work as if nothing had happened and then looked at them to ask if something was wrong.


"Dear, are you alright?" She asked the girl, still secretly hoping what had just happened was indeed a vision. "Oh, nevermind. It's nothing. Miss Carter and Mister Gert back to your desks to finish your work or to wait for me to check it." She didn't need another fiasco in this lesson which seemed to happen alot at Hogwarts.

She might have to bring up what had just happened though with another Professor. Callie just didn't like that it sort of reminded her of when Max had fallen from his broom during that last Quidditch match.
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