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Old 06-09-2012, 08:01 PM   #150 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default And kurumi omg! D: + lmao at Elwood xD
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

It was when the professor made them pay attention again that Louisa saw something crazy. Paulie-crazy. Why exactly was his pants polka doted? And an ugly shade of green? Louisa grinned at his back from all the way where she was sitting. His year as Head Boy was not easy, y'know. It only meant two things; either he did that on purpose in a gesture of rebellion again his badge, or someone wanted him to look like a fool. She made a mental note to take this fact and cherish it RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE. Hehe.

Moving on..

The Ravenclaw watched the professor throw the stones and followed very intently the explanation that followed. The way she interpreted the correlation between the stones' spots and life. It was amusing. Louisa didn't believe in that fully but she wanted to try and see if it worked. None of the other methods of Divination worked before but... who knows.

She unhooked her pouch, put the stones on her lap before stretching the cloth on the desk before her. Gathering the stones in both of her hands she threw them on the desk, trying to make them scatter as much as possible and they did...

SPOILER!!: Louisa's stooooooones

Getting her parchment on her lap, the one with the notes. She started inspecting the stones and writing her interpretion on a new parchment.

SPOILER!!: Louisa's nooooooootes

13 Stones & indications:
1. The Sun - power, energy and life
2. The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
3. Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
4. Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
5. Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
6. Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
7. Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
8. Earth - security of home, family and friends
9. Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
10. Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
11. Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
12. Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
13. The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level

Week #1: Venus & the Sun(Venus is a pointer toward the sun)
With Venus, which means happiness most probably out of its indications, pointing at the sun and making a cluster with it; it could mean that my week will be full of... great happiness. Maybe something will either happen or turn out quite satisfactory to me.

Week #2: the Sun
The stone is the sun which indicates power, life and energy. This could mean that maybe a new life will be... coming into mine. Maybe a new pet. Or plant.

Week #3: Saturn
It stands on week three on its own which means longevity, protection, or purification. That could mean maybe I'll be protected from something really bad could've happened. Or maybe get rid of some negative energy (purification?) such as anger toward something or frustration.

Week #4: Saturn & the Moon
It's a cluster of Saturn and Moon stones. The moon could be a pointer toward Saturn too, which could indicate the rising of something I've always had a hunch about coming or showing or happening. Like one of my articles getting FINALLY published somewhere.

[I]week #5[/U]: the Moon
My intuition could be really strong that week, probably due to the only stone on it which's the moon. It indicates psychic ability and inspiration as well so that could be promising me to have more inspiration in my homework and writings hopefully...

Week #6: the Earth & the Spirit
The earth stone is forming a cluster with the spirit one and is considered a pointer! That very well indicates that my friends (spirit stone indication) will be very needed during that week. Or that I need to communicate with my family more.

Week #7: the Spirit & the Fire
The spirit stone and the fire one are very close together. That week could be one that I'll express my self needs in a rather blunt and selfish way. Since Fire indicates without influence and Spirit is about one's needs.

Week #8: the Spirit & the Fire & Mars
It could indicate tens of things considering the three stones but I would go with: something could make me initiate (Fire) a conflict (Mars) with something/someone really significant (Spirit).

Week #9: Mars
A week of conflicts, apparently. And everything Mars indicates to tells me it's not the happiest week of the month.

Week #10: Water
Welp. That'd be a really logical stone to fall into this week's spot since after the week of conflicts, a week of reconciliation should be due. And that is what Water stone tells me.

Week #11: Jupiter & the Universe
I wouldn't call this a cluster really... but it could be. So it's mainly about prosperity in general; maybe winning something, or 'inheriting' something from someone. Orrr it could be justice. That week would be justice-wise prospering!

Week #12: Air & the Universe
It's a cluster of the air stone and the universe one. It indicates to wishes, dreams, and hopes. Maybe the universe - or nature perhaps would help me take another step forward in my life. Somehow.

Just as the Prefect put her quill down and was about to re-analyze her analysis, professor Elwood screamed something about Kurumi finding her Inner Eye.


Curiously Louisa left her desk and moved slowly toward the Gryffindor and the professor. She wanted to see how exactly one would find their Inner Eye, and why was it Kurumi the girl who already had her outer eyes confused COUGHaboutboysCOUGH?

But the girl was... not moving. And her eyes were staring blindly at the desk. Louisa frowned and asked the overly excited blonde woman, "Err... Is it normal that she freezes like that?" Just to check, Louisa poked the girl gently on the shoulder.

If she fell... it meant something WRONG happened. If she snapped awake with some voodoo talk, it'd be her Inner Eye alright.

Last edited by Magical Soul; 06-09-2012 at 08:17 PM.
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