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It was nice seeing Erin, considering their different years and how busy Kimalia has to be studying for her O.W.Ls and Quidditch of course, just made seeing her even more special. Now how did Kimalia look to Erin, she wondered. And began blinking, "A mess.." then smiling again. Beauty took time and work indeed. "Wicked.." Taking the somewhat compliment well, it then gave Kimalia an idea.
"Say, would you like me to try styling your hair?" Already fetching in her purse again, she had a note somewhere that lists spells for the hair.. She just never tried it yet. "Rollers or no rollers?" It could be fun to try.
Styling Erin's hair? Erin loved her hair, in fact she adored them. She would used Muggle products just to keep them straight, not wavy, or curly or heavily permed. Asians do have the tendency to straighten their hairs, like re-bonding. And she'd tried that many times, she would go to her favorite salon and stay there for hours just to have her hair shiny, glossy and smooth hair strands.
"No!" exclaimed Erin as she saw Kimalia reaching out for her wand. She would really used magic on Erin but do it the Muggle way with herself?
"Have you ever tried that spell?" nervously asked Erin. She needed assurance of the quality of the outcome and the ability of the witch.
"Try it with yourself first," Erin insisted. But she's already got her rollers on and her hair's been curled. Where on Merlin will she ever try that on?