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Old 06-08-2012, 02:39 PM   #134 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default loooong D:
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

" what connections are present in each stone's meaning. Alright everyone..." Wait, no. That was wrong. Louisa was so absorbed in her writing she missed the whole dramatic angry pause the professor pulled off. Quickly, the girl crossed over the last two words and lifted her head confused at the sudden change of tone. Nothing really seemed that threatening.

However, Louisa bent down to get her wand out of her bag which was settled on the floor by her feet. There was no need to have her wand on her in a class such as divination because... duuh it wasn't DADA. Heh.

Wand on the desk before her, the girl was ready to go stone-hunting! She got up to her feet and headed for the table with the pouches and... oh. Colorful ribbons. She wanted to snort at the way Elwood seemed to enjoy Divination and give it a sense of... girliness. internal SNORT. It was weird after having Thereos as professor, Louisa gotta admit that. But it was... cool. Kind of.

She grabbed a pouch randomly and went on to the stones. Her eyes blurred for a few seconds at all the colorful small & large pieces! They were far more varied than they seemed to be from her seat. She started passing her hand over them slowly, trying to feel their essence and energy as a professional Divination-er would do. Louisa thought that she had a hidden knack for this subject... even if it didn't show at all. She liked listening to all the predictions and correlations between earthly properties and future.

No feelings were conjured by touching the stones, however. She sighed after a moment or two and got down to choosing the stones by their looks. So much for reaching for her inner Eye.


First the sun, that was easy. Louisa's eyes scanned the piles for all the bright yellow gold and beige-like stones. She didn't care about the shape but there was this flat stone that was really... goldish. Almost bright. She popped it into the pouch as the sun. Moving on to the moon. It needed to be pale, of course. Louisa's hand started picking up stones looking for any... Ohhh! Here is one. It was kind of rectangular but.. it'd do coz it was greyish. She popped it into the pouch.

Saturn. HMMM. The Prefect moved just a bit to come across a STUNNING collection of stones. Her eyes literally sparkled for a second before her hand found an orange spiky stone and tossed it into the pouch as Saturn. Venus, which was commonly known for love and feminine and whatnot, MUST be pinky or reddish. It must. Louisa picked up a pinky stone that looked like a water drop if held in certain position. It was very smooth, too, which could relate to Venus with its love connection. Anyways... Mercury should be a small one. Just as Louisa's hand moved some stones out of the way, something small rolled to settle close to the table's edge. It was a black, weird looking.. stone? Or was this a bug hiding inside? D: The Prefect squinted her eyes at the thing and brought her face cloooose. She wasn't going to hazard holding a BUG.

With some random stone, she poked at it to see if it moved or.. flew. It didn't. So it wasn't a bug. She picked it up with a satisfactory smile and tossed it in the pouch as Mercury. The other purple-bluish stone that looked like a pyramid and used as a bug-poker went in after that as Mars. She was getting impatient with this stone gathering already. Jupiter was next, Louisa looked in another part of the table for this one. A turquoise and black stone (that could be a pointer too maybe) stared back at her. Louisa popped it in as Jupiter and went on for the Earth one. There was this jewel-like green stone. Louisa immediately thought 'PERFECT POINTER' when she saw it. She picked it up as her Earth stone.

A round brightly silver and almost crystal round stone for Air. The Ravenclaw placed it with the other stones enjoying the sound of clatter all her stones made in the pouch. Fire. She needed something dark and fiery color at the same time... and she found it. A rather big and uneven burgundy-colored stone sat so powerfully on the side. She took it as Fire stone and moved on. But before she even looked at the other direction, a crystal light blue stone was innocently snuggling with another one with black and white parts on it. She smirked and picked both stones up. The crystal blue one was Water, the black and white one was Spirit. They looked pretty unique too.

Lastly The Universe. She took a thoughtful moment with this one, trying to find something... generic and fave the idea of union or something like that. She absently moved stones over and over until coming across a small white stone with a small blue one attached to it. It was united ish and... well, this could go for The Universe role. The girl tossed the last stone into her pouch.

With 13 stones Louisa went back to her desk and waited for further instructions.

SPOILER!!: Louisa's stones
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