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alchemist_18 "Gary Rush. Fifth year." said him warm and shook his hand. Did he look unhappy when he read the letter? He couldn't say that he was not happy. He was very... "Well.. I'm just a bit confused about it." but maybe this boy didn't understand about his problem. Wait, did he just said about girl's problem? How could he knew? Was he a mind-reader or something related into that? Well.. Gary just smiled to him. "Yeah, something related about that. It was from my girlfriend's brother." He sighed. "He invited me to come to their house on Christmas."
His Christmas plan? "Well, at first I think I just want to spend it with my family." said him. But they wouldn't visit his hometown, Vancouver just like usual. But since he got this invitation, Gary was confused if he should be there or not. "Well, I don't know if I should come to her house or not." He just sighed. Seriously, he was not ready to meet Zhenya's family.. Yet.
"Pleased to meet you, Gary." he shook his hand and gave him a nod. So, he was sort of right, right? He was bothered by an invitation by his girlfriend's family's invitation. Well, if he was in Gary's position, he'd be panicking. This young man was so far, composed.
"How long have you been together? And...may I know her name?" he asked as he realized that he didn't ask who the girl was...and WHOA. Meeting the family already? That serious?
"It seems her family's protective of her." he would be if he had a sister.
Well, his problem's pretty easy to solve. If he doesn't feel like going, he can always tell that he can't go. Or...he already has plans prior to the invitation...Anyone can make excuses.
"I see." he said as he scratched his chin and tossed his letters back inside his trunk and got a bag full of sweets he got earlier from Honeyduke's.
"I think you should go. Just to have a different experience." he said as he offered the bag to him.
On a serious note, if it was him...he'd be as confused as this chap. But then again, he'd rather be in another house than go back to his own family. Things are pretty messy back home.